简单的英语作文_simple 5篇

发布时间:2022-06-16 12:41:16 阅读:116 点赞:0



Whether 60 or 16, there is a acle in ryone's heart, the endless childlike desire for the next step, and the joy of the in yo and my heart. There is a radio station: as long as it receives messages fm human beings and infinite bety, hope, joy, coage and power, you are still young, and a person's existence should be like this in the beginning A verside shopping center, narwly enclosed in the verbank, enthusiastically runs to the boulders and watells. Gradually, the ver widens, the bank recedes, and the water flows quietly.

Finally, without any obvious interruption, they merge into the sea and painlessly lose their youth. It means coage over cowardice, and the desire for advente is better than ease. This is in a 60 year old man People tend to have boys than 20 years old, and no one will gw old becse of giving up their ideals.

Years may wnkle the skin, but to give up enthusia wnkles the heart. Worry, fear, and lack of self-confidence can distort the heart and make the spit fly away.




Chester is my window to understand the mysteous relationship beeen canines and humans. There was a big conference about dogs. Maybe a few years ago, representatives fm all over the world attended an international conference.

At that meeting, they decided that human beings are the species of the fute, and dogs would make decisions with them. Obviously, it was not consistent. Wolves and wild dogs came out to p, When they heard their own conference - in Pas, of cose - accusing dogs of succumbing to human powers, their reaction was n negative - and their manifesto, La condition f é line, could still be found in pvincial bookstores.


切斯特是我了解犬科动物和人类之间神秘联系窗口狗有一个大型会议,也许几年前召开了一个大型会议,来自世界各地代表参加了一个国际会议,在那次会议上,他们决定人类是未来物种,而狗将与他们一起做出决定显然不是一致,狼和野狗走出来抗议,当他们听到他们自己召开会议——当然是在巴黎——谴责犬只屈从于人类超能力时,他们反应更为消极——他们宣言——La Condition Féline——仍然可以在省级书店找到。


Love plays a very important le in today's world. With the increasingly modern society, the relationship beeen people has become and loose. It is difficult to imagine what kind of love they would be if they did not love each other.

It is the only true happiness in life. Love for parents is a special feate Other love this kind of love, like any other sincere love, parents and children must be frank with each other, and children can share their happiness and sorw with their parents. Parents' love is a pillar of children's life.

It will accompany them, them overcome all difficulties and make them feel safe. Children's love for their parents is the best reward for their parents. The love of fends is always very important to us.

When we gw up and leave home, almost no one can leave o fends' lives. Fends take the place of parents. Fends' love may accompany us all o lives.

Even if we don't have the opportunity to visit each other, it can maintain its vitality thugh letters for many years.



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