
发布时间:2024-02-06 03:34:03 阅读:33 点赞:0

关于”我最爱季节六十词“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:My favote season。以下是关于我最爱季节六十词小学英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My favote season

My favote season is tumn. When tumn comes, the leaves begin to tn red and yellow. The weather is very cool.

Many people wear scarves. People also go for a walk in the park. The apples tn red.

People really enjoy tumn. For example, they eat dinner in restrants. They get together for tea.

How happy they are. I also enjoy my favote season. Autumn Mid Autumn Festival is also in tumn.




My favote season my favote season is tumn, which is the hot season. Farmers are busy harvesting all kinds of fruits in the fields, such as apples, oranges, bananas, etc. the Mid Autumn Festival is a traditional Chinese festival.

In tumn, people usually have a large family to celebrate it. The whole family has moon cakes and enjoy the full moon in the open air at night. Autumn is very cool, so tumn is a good season for tou.

National Day is October. Many people travel. We can learn a lot about o country's history fm my tp to Beijing, the capital of China.

This tumn, I go to Beijing with my parents. People do a lot of different sports, too. For example, children often fly kites in the park.

Young people like to climb mountains and go camping on weekends. Old people can go out for a walk and exercise. There are many betiful flowers in tumn.

They are the most popular. They have a sweet ell like tumn. What about you, my dear fend.





My favote season there are fo seasons in a year. My favote season is summer, becse when summer comes, I can change into a betiful skirt. I can go swimming.

I like swimming pool very much in summer. Everything is very bght. I can go to many places I like.

In summer vacation, I can go on holiday with my parents. We can go to the Forbidden City. It's interesting for you What's yo favote season.



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