
发布时间:2023-05-31 08:31:29 阅读:155 点赞:0

关于”游泳重要“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:The importance of swimming。以下是关于游泳重要高一英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The importance of swimming

In the life of cooperation, we have encountered many things, all of which are to solve for oselves. Howr, we have nr thought of being together with o partner. Don't let yoself be alone.

We should work with o partner together. This feeling can make you gain confidence. Succesul cooperation with o partners is the most important thing.




Most people emphasize the importance of creativity. Creativity refers to the creation of something that did not exist before. It can be a pduct, a pcess or an idea.

Howr, China has been cticized as one of the countes lacking in creativity. This is becse China's education does not advocate creative thinking, which is the most ctical factor for fute success. Most succesul leaders are succesul Or s are creative.

They can make their country or company stand out fm the competition. They innovate a new way to dlop or solve the csis. Two good examples are Bill Gate of Micsoft and St Jobs of apple.

In order to compete in the fute, it is necessary to dlop creativity in China.




Trees are very useful to people. They pvide us with wood and other pducts. They give us shade and us prnt dughts and floods.

Unfortunately, in many parts of o country, people have not realized the importance of felling trees at will. They are usually too lazy or careless to plant and care for new trees. Forests continue to disappear where there are no trees The rain falls on the ace, csing floods and taking away the fertile topsoil.

The cps gw well. When the topsoil disappears, nothing is left but worthless barrenness. The great floods in some parts of China have tght us a good lesson, so each of us must love trees, ptect forests and plant trees ry year.



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