
发布时间:2024-04-13 12:49:20 阅读:12 点赞:0

关于”下册有关校规“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Volume II relevant school regulations。以下是关于下册有关校规xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Volume II relevant school regulations

I studied in this new school for about a month. There are many rules in o school. For example, we should wear school uniform on weekdays.

If we have any pblems, we should not be late, we should ask for leave, we should certainly not cheat in the exam, we can't copy homework, we should finish homework on time, we shouldn't take mobile phone to school. I basically agree with the school's regulations, but I think students should be allowed to take mobile phones to school, becse if they have any pblems, they can do it on the same day Contact their parents, the new school rules are revised by the school leaders, the school rules are also recoized by the students, good school rules are kept in mind by us, we conscientiously implement the teachers also let us listen, feel happy, the campus is bound by the school rules, harmonious.




Hello, Mary. Welcome to o class. This is o classom rule.

You have to read it carefully. As a middle school student, we can't be late for class on weekdays. We must wear clean clothes ry day.

When the teacher comes into the classom, when you have any questions in class, we have to stand up, please raise yo hands. We are going to eat and dnk in the restaant. We have to clean the classom ry day.

If you are not allowed to leave school, I hope you can abide by this.






O classom rules have rules in ry class, such as no oking, no eating, no sleeping. O class is not very good, becse some students are talking in class. We should obey the rules of others now.

I have listed some rules in class: no talking when someone says it, no sleeping in class, no eating or dnking in class, no playing in class, no lghing when someone makes a mistake. These rules are just my opinions, but I think if o class has such rules, we can learn better.



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