
发布时间:2023-05-12 15:31:59 阅读:599 点赞:0

关于”游泳好处“英子37个,句子主体:Benefits of Swimming。以下是关于游泳好处八级英子。

英文句子模板1:Benefits of Swimming


1、Swimmers and weightlifters always have really cut bodies with muscles rywhere.


2、Mary likes swimming in bikini suit.


3、Summer is the best season for swimming.


4、I'm a sun, gentle and soft, patient, easy going person. I like the tennis, swimming, dancing, picni, campout ;


5、I'll have to go and get my swimming trunks.


6、The key to swimming in this non-chlonated swimming hole, is slow motion.


7、What about yo swimming suit?


8、Sandy swims well. He love swimming and he go swimming often.


9、Li Lei swims better than Jim (does).


10、If you don’t have yo own pool make se you get the schedule for yo nearest community center pool and arrange it so that yo kids can swim regularly.


11、When you go swimming in a pool, what do you like better?


12、This to do list of

10 ways to better swimming could any swimmer impve their swimming. Get this to do list done and swim on!


13、We have a swimming cap and bathing suit with a good, went to the nearest swimming pool.


14、You’ve heard of synchnized swimming.


15、He swims far better than I.


16、My hobbies are swimming and cycling.

17、This is great golfing / swimming/ picnic weather. 这是个打高尔夫球/游泳/野餐好天气。


18、Yang Li is better at swimming than her sister.


19、Swim with the sun: the swimming pool disinfectant contains FLORIDE, make acne better, so jumbled acne who want to specifically note that swim in the pool advance to make se that clean task.


20、Swimming is the best way to tone up yo body.

21、Today than it was yesterday, go swimming this afternoon, I forgot to swim lens, I only supinely begin to swim, my dad is not to go.今天天气比昨天好,下午去游泳时,人竟然忘带游泳镜了,害人只要仰起头游,人也没有好到哪去。

22、Swimming is such a perfect option becse it meets all of those requirements and it's non-weight beang, too!游泳就是这样一项很好选择,因为游泳可以满足上述要求,而且不负重。

23、Let's snorkel and swim …Let's play with the fish , fish, fish.让我们潜水和游泳,游泳,游泳。让我们与鱼儿一起嬉戏,鱼儿,鱼儿。

24、His hobbies include hiking, swimming and birdwatching.他嗜好包括远足、游泳和观鸟。

25、Swimming is both as a competitive sport and recreation. The pncipal swimming stkes are the crawl, backstke, breaststke and butterfly.游泳既是竞赛运动又是娱乐。主要游泳姿式有爬泳、仰泳、蛙泳和蝶泳。

英文句子26:,26、this is great golfing / swimming/ picnic weather. 这是个打高尔夫球/游泳/野餐好天气。

27、Have you been to the seaside where we can enjoy swimming?你去过那处我们可以尽情游泳海滨吗?。

28、In forei countes, we forbid bathers to have bath in some lakes or vers, and those who bath are exposed to sre penalties by the police.对那些游泳人就另当别论了。在外国,我们禁止在某些河流或湖泊里游泳。警方可以对游泳者处以严厉刑罚。

29、He was expatiating upon the benefits of swimming in vers, lakes and seas.他正详细说明到 江河湖海中去游泳好处。

30、I can swim very well.我游泳游得很好。

31、They are swimming in the natatoum.他们在游泳池游泳。

32、Can you swim well?你游泳游得好吗?

33、This is great golfing /swimming/picnic weather.这是个打高尔夫球/ 游泳/野餐好天气。

34、'I remember how much he loved swimming and he will be looking down at that pool thinking I wish I was in there today, ' the Pme Minister said.英首相卡梅伦说:“埃文以前太爱游泳,他曾眼睛直勾勾地看着游泳池,好盼望自己能够下去游泳。”

35、Who is swimming in the lake? Jim is.谁正在湖里游泳?吉姆正在游泳。

36、Fo disciplines: Swimming, Water polo, Diving, and Synchnized swimming.四项:游泳,水球,潜水,花样游泳。

37、Sandy swims very well. He likes swimming. He often goes swimming.桑迪游泳游得很好。他喜欢游泳。他常去游泳。

38、This ver is bad, deep and good to swim in.这条河宽且深,是游泳好地方。

39、The order of relay is backstke, breaststke, butterfly, and .接力游泳顺序是仰泳、蛙泳、自由泳。

40、Yes, she does. She is a good swimmer.是,她游得好。她是游泳高手。

41、The hippos could swim well. It was getting dark.河马游泳游很好。天渐渐黑了。

42、This ver is bad, deep and good tom in.这条河宽且深,是游泳好地方。

43、If you don't swim well, you can swim in the shallow area.假如你游泳话,你可以在浅水处游。

44、Remember to wng yo swimsuit out after yo swim.游完泳后记住把游泳衣拧。

45、'I remember how much he loved swimming and he will be looking down at that pool thinking I wish I was in there today,' the Pme Minister said.英首相卡梅伦说:“埃文以前太爱游泳,他曾眼睛直勾勾地看著游泳池,好盼望自己能够下去游泳。”

46、Eopean tousts used to swim in the pool behind the al Uruba, formerly one of Mogadishu's best hotels.欧洲旅游者习惯于在阿尔·乌鲁巴饭店后面游泳池子里游泳,那是从前摩加迪沙最好饭店之

47、Does she swim very well?她游泳游得好吗?

48、This is great golfing / swimming/ picnic weather. 这是个打高尔夫球/游泳/野餐好天气。

49、this is great golfing / swimming/ picnic weather.这是个打高尔夫球/游泳/野餐好天气。

50、The championships include5categoes of swimming diving water ballet water polo and long distance swimming.届锦标赛共设游泳、跳水、花样游泳、水球和长距离游泳5个大项。

经典英文句子51:游泳好处,51、Their swimming safety awareness is relatively good, their ght ratio of choosing the ght place to swim is high, their dwing rescue methods are much better.游泳安全意识相对较好,对游泳地点选择正确率较高,对游泳时发生溺水施救方法掌握较好。

52、We were swimming natatoum , to play, and running.到了游泳馆,我们游泳,嬉戏,奔跑。

53、Susan swims very well.苏珊游泳游得很好。

54、He backstked acss the pool.他仰泳游过游泳池。

55、I hear he can swim , side stke and breaststke very well.我听说他自由泳、侧泳和蛙泳都游得非常好。

56、Is there a swimming pool nearby? He swims very well.这附近有游泳馆吗?他游得很好。

57、Among other benefits, swim fins or flippers can you achi (artificially) a better body position and you will learn what that position feels like while moving.除了其他好处,游泳脚蹼(单蹼或双蹼)能够帮助你获得(人为地)一个更好身体姿势,同时你将学会你在游泳时感觉象什么。

58、I am absolutely happy today. Becse I received a new swimming ng…我今天用新游泳圈游泳了!好高兴啊。

59、你游泳时候穿什么?--------我穿游泳衣。What do you wear to go swimming?-----I wear a swimsuit.

60、He can swim breaststke backstke and crawl.约翰会游自由泳、仰泳、蛙泳和蝶泳。

61、What do you wear to go swimming?-----I wear a swimsuit.你游泳时候穿什么?--------我穿游泳衣。

62、Rita: I`m a very good swimmer .I can ski fairly well too.丽塔: 我游泳游很好 ,滑雪滑得也相当不错。

63、It’s better and pfitable, in my opinion, to have a pool cleaning company than a pool building company.在我看来,拥有一个游泳池清洁公司比游泳池建筑公司更好更有利可图。

、How does Simon swim? He swims well.西蒙游泳游得如何?他游得很好。


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