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关于”做运动好处“英子35个,句子主体:The benefits of doing exercise。以下是关于做运动好处托福英子。

英文句子模板1:The benefits of doing exercise


1、If we treat good diet as a cornerstone of optimum nuttion and do regular exercise, we will have much bigger chance to do and enjoy something else.


2、Exercise first thing in the morning and go for another und of cardio later in the day.

开赛前做好准备活动热身。 在寒冷天气里,比赛前热身运动相当重要。

3、Do a warm-up .A pre-race warm-up is especially important when racing in colder weather.


4、Nothing can do, the only thing can blame on was did not exercise enough before hike the mountain.


5、Exercise: Do exercises that make you sweat or leave you gasping for breath. Simple exercises like skipping or running should do the tck.

我想好好做一个有关帆船运动节目, 但杰克不会驾驶帆船。

6、I want to do a good story on sailing, but Jake can't sail.


7、Among the forei players, the Korean usually take the action of the inner track exceeding technique at cue in order to exceed the others.


8、Dynamic stretching is a good warm up method as it involves movements, but don’t forget to do cardio also.


9、Exercise: you need exercise to work well. Walk, run, play sport—whatr you enjoy.


10、Do some warms -up to get yo joints and muscles prepared.


11、This article takes the application of attack tacti in Judo as the view, pbes how to use the attack tacti to guide the sports training for better holding the initiative.


12、I’m good at sports ,I do well in running and swimming.


13、Go Hang Gliding- Hang Gliding is also one of the best things you can do.


14、Do not exercise just before bed.


15、IF you have no sport in mind or you’re not doing sport crently I would suggest you find one.


16、The man plays sports.


17、To be a good student dosen't mean giving up rest and sports.


18、Try to exercise regularly, eat a balanced diet and try relaxation exercises or a hobby to unwind.


19、Exercise is another great stress-relir: It boosts blood flow, bnging oxygen and nutents to the skin and giving yo complexion a sy glow.

一起做运动。 一起跑步或进行其它健身运动。

20、Take exercise together, possibly by playing sport or jogging.

21、我喜欢运动英文是i like sports.但是如果你要说“我喜欢做运动”,那就是i like playing sports.play sports固定词组“做运动意思”。

22、But if you don't stretch before running, you don't need to start -- stick to stretching post-run.如果你没有在跑前做伸展运动,你不需要开始做—继续坚持跑完再做伸展运动。

23、Indoor and outdoor ck climbing are both extremely demanding and, like anything else, require practice, to get good at.室内和户外攀岩运动都是要求相当苛严,而且像其他运动一样,需要练习才能做好。

24、How Many: Do eight to 多少:做8-10种力量训练运动,每种运动做8-12次重复。

10 stren-training exercises, eight to

12 repetitions of each exercise.

25、Physical exercise, the best kind is stretching, and 体格运动,最好是有伸展、有氧运动、以及可以练一点肌肉,将三者结合一起来做。

5)aebi, and a little muscle toning, kind of a combination of the three.

英文句子26:,26、If you haven’t been doing great, and you overdid it, you should now have than enough fuel to start exercising today.如果你做得还不够好,饮食超标了,你现在应该有更多动力,今天开始做运动。

27、If you have an early morning race or workout, it's best to get up early enough to eat yo pre-exercise meal.如果你要参加一个早间比赛或运动,最好做法是起足够早,吃好运动前餐。

28、I’m good at sports ,I do well in running and swimming。 我擅长体育运动,我在跑步和游泳上做得最好。

29、Get enough sleep. Eat healthy. Exercise. These factors contl yo ener. Yo ener impacts yo focus.睡好、吃好、做运动。这些因素都控制着你能量,而你能量影响你专注度。

30、After you finish yo walk is the best time to stretch.步行之后是做拉伸运动最好时机。

31、Now I see all the advantages of morning exercises for my body and I am glad that I committed myself to this ryday utine.现在,我能看见晨练带来所有好处,我也很高兴能每天做这些运动。

32、You need to do some exercise and keep a good diet.你需要去做一些运动并且维持良好饮食。

33、Yoga, exercise and stashing yo iPhone in a drawer for the night may be beneficial, but a little bit of vegging in fnt of the television can be too.晚上收起你iPhone来做个瑜珈运动可能会对你有好处,看电视时吃点蔬菜也会不错。

34、We tell models to exercise, eat well, go to bed early -- sensible rules," he added.我们要求模特做运动、吃好、早睡——这些都是人化规定。

35、Warm up like before any physical exercise or performance.做体育运动或锻炼之前一定要做热身运动。

36、Before motion, do activity of good warm up seously. After motion, do sarcous of a few crus to loosen a movement .运动前,认真做好热身活动。运动后,多做一些小腿肌肉放松动作。

37、It's great for toning all over but especially good at toning the belly becse of the breathing exercises that are involved, and becse it s yo poste--and good poste leads to a flatter tum!全身心沐浴在瑜伽中是多麽惬意,尤其是对腹部是多麽有好处,因为做瑜伽同时也就是在用腹部做呼吸运动。 何况瑜伽运动对训练体型非常有帮助--拥有美好体型当然同时就拥有一个平坦小腹了!

38、Simulations show that this method is insensitive to the motions of the target and has the potential for practical applications.仿真实验表明,无论动态噪声做简单直线运动还是变速曲线运动,该方法都具有良好跟踪能。

39、If you can't be an athlete, be an athletic supporter.如果你做不了运动员,就做一个体育运动支持者。

40、Do some exercise, do some reading, and so on.做做运动,看看书之类。

41、But thanks to his sportan dad —who had forced him to take part in all kinds of pelous escapades, like sfing in p crents —Ollestad was prepared for just such a situation.但是好在他做运动员一直以来强迫他参加各种艰险冒险运动,比如在湍急水流中冲浪等,所以奥勒斯塔德当年早已对那种情形做好了准备。

42、Do the cultivation of student's safe consciousness well, conditions that the directed movement is lnched.做好学生安全意识培养,为定向运动开展创造条件。

43、Consider doing push ups and abdominals, and remember to stretch.可以考虑做做俯卧撑和腹部前屈运动,也要记得做伸展运动。

44、If you want to do word pcessing on it, good luck.假如你想用它做文字处理,也祝你好运。

45、The extra good news was that the researchers found the low-intensity gup reported a higher reduction in fatigue than the gup working out at a moderate ll.另有一个好是,科学家发现,做低强度运动那组比做适度运动那组更容易从疲劳中恢复过来。

46、Well,there are lots of things you can do.Join a club a sport team.好,有许多你能做事情。 加入一个俱乐部或一个运动队。

47、Old LEE: I did not campai for o years, so what?老李:我两年没运动了,做什么运动呢?

48、No active flexion and no passive extension stretch are allowed within the first three weeks postoperatively , but active extension against rubber band traction is encoaged.头三周内伤指不可做主动屈曲和被动拉张运动,应小心做主动伸指运动;

49、This scopic motion is called precession.此陀螺运动叫做进动。

50、A little stretching, then go on a vigous walk or a 做些伸展运动,好好走一走、跑一跑,骑骑车、游游泳。

11)jog, or a bike or a swim.

经典英文句子51:做运动好处,51、I feel like exercising.我想要做运动。

52、When you memoze and visualize what you did ght, you pgram it in to yo subconscious mind so the next time you're with a customer you are pre-prepared, like an athlete.当你回想及视觉化重现你做过对事情时,你是在设定你潜意识接收你做过对事。 下次你与客户相处时你就会处于事先准备好状态,就像一个运动员一样。

53、Daniel: Hello, is it necessary to do warm-up exercise?听看学 丹尼尔: 你好,必须做热身运动吗?

54、I am healthy, bght, gentle, I like reading, listening to music and sports in spare time, do housework, decorate household.我体健、貌端、善良、开朗、温柔、善解人意。爱好读书、音乐和运动,闲时做做手工劳动,布置家居。

55、The tuna tail is considered as a three dimensional lunate fin oscillating with the mode combined swaying and yawing in uniform flow.文中将金枪鱼尾鳍处理为在做横移和摇摆耦合运动同时 ,以某一匀速向前运动月牙形刚尾翼。

56、Doing aebi?做有氧运动吗?

57、I commuted 45 minutes to school, worked part-time, played sports, and ted to keep up with my schoolwork.我坐45分钟车去上学,做兼职,运动而且努力做好学校课。


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