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关于”鼓励他人“英子48个,句子主体:Encoage others。以下是关于鼓励他人四级英子。

英文句子模板1:Encoage others


1、Take time to listen to other people. If there are too many discords & not enough harmony in their lives, encoage them to have a bghter outlook.


2、Refuse to recap meetings for someone who arves late, which both encoages those who showed up on time and penalizes those who dawdled.

不过人对这个颁奖礼依然非常支持, 正代表了他们对前景仍未算太乐观业作出鼓励。

3、This is an encoagement to the whole movie industry. that at present still doesn't have a too optimistic outlook.


4、Similarly, when he retns fm the park breathless fm the play and clothes covered in dirt, encoage him to play ry day.

在此社会,人们可以逃脱罪责,免受惩罚。 这就等于鼓励他们认为暴力行为并无什么不妥。

5、In a society where people can get away with it with impunity, they are encoaged to feel there is nothing wng with it.


6、He encoaged the people he knew to speak honestly. And Jobs speaks candidly, sometimes brutally so, about the people he worked with and competed against.


7、What I'm trying to do is encoage people to take the steps they need to take, in their communities and cities and towns.


8、Coaching is partneng with clients in a thought-pvoking and creative pcess that inspires them to maximize their personal and pfessional potential.


9、The best thing is to keep cool.


10、The disabled can and do make an important contbution to society, insping not only others with disabilities, but also able-bodied fellow - citizens to overcome their difficulties.


11、Every night he listens to my tubles, cooing his understanding or praising me with an encoaging fart.


12、She encoages restaants to offer healthy choices on their menus, and to advertise the number of caloes in their entrees.


13、I ge ryone to look at World Water Day as another occasion to renew their commitment to pviding clean, safe water to all who need it.

我听取公测人员意见,在设计上征求他们看法。 并且当他们寄回补丁和反馈时候,给予鼓励。

14、And I listened to my beta-ers, polling them about desi decisions and stking them whenr they sent in patches and feedback.

良好人际关系– 贝赞特之家居民受到鼓励,通过了解自身和环境及他人关系,拥有健康、平衡生活态度。

15、Relationship - Boarders are encoaged to embrace a wholesome, balanced appach to living by examining their relationship to the envinment and to each other.


16、In fact, he encoaged them to do so by wting a book about all of his innovations, entitled Today and Tomorw.


17、The toi argument is that extra daylight in the ning hos would make people likely to visit parks and other attractions.


18、Then put his hands on yo snesitive part, which may give him confidence that you need him and make him carry on.


19、They can enormously compelling visions, pduce the collateral information to implement them and n inspire those nd them—but nothing happens.


20、I sensed he wanted to say but was wored about offending me (he was such a nice guy) so I encoaged him to tell me what he was thinking.

21、Among the most scathing is one of last night's guests, Chen Guangbiao, who says Gates has inspired him to leave his fortune to chaty when he dies.在昨晚最尖刻评论家之中有一个客人,陈光标,他说盖茨鼓励他在弥留之际将财产留给慈善事业。

22、We have been encoaging people to reconnect with their inner resoces - to 're-member' the things that they enjoyed doing or were interested in before things be to go wng.我们鼓励人们重新连结他们内在资源,回想起他们在事情开始不对劲之前喜爱或感兴趣事。

23、It"s just one of those things.这是难免事。

24、Although Yelp staff are encoaged to review businesses as often as they can, the bulk of reviews in the database come fm regular people who wish to share their expeences with others.虽然,Yelp 鼓励员工尽对商业公司发表评论,但数据库中巨量评论来自普通人,他们希望和其他人分享他们经历和体验。

25、Try to look on the bght side of things.尽量把事物往光明面去想。

英文句子26:,26、I think you"ll pass the exam next time.我想你下一次一定会通过考试。

27、And he has the other stuff, too: the piercing eyes, the knitted bw, the sudden rewarding lghter.此外,他还有其他一些吸引人东西,比如充满讽刺意味眼睛,紧蹙眉头和突然爆发鼓励式笑声。

28、It"s not so hopeless as you imagined.这并不像你想象那么没有希望。

29、But when this kind of encoagement goes hand in hand with the goal of beating others in order to succeed, the honor we get suddenly become degenerative.但当这鼓励匹配手拉手摔打其他人目标为了成, 我们得到突然变得退化荣誉。

30、Both Gates and Buffett said they understand the concerns of Chinese billies but challenged their guests to do for philanthpy.巴菲特和比尔盖茨说他们理解亿万富翁们担忧,但也鼓励他们客人们做更多慈善事业。

31、You not only empower other people, you also encoage them to take on additional responsibilities and establish a bond of trust based on yo vulnerability and their capability.你不仅是在向他人授权,也是在鼓励他们承担额外责任,在你弱点和他们能力之间建立起信任纽带。

32、In Malaysia, for example, researchers are encoaged to be open about their research and its implications as part of their funding contract.例如,在马来西亚,作为资助合同一部分,科研人员被鼓励更多地谈论他们研究及其意义。

33、Encoage them to continue to set their eyes upon You and them to feel and act compassionately towards those nd them, n those who have been involved in injustice against them.鼓励他们持续仰望祢,帮助他们以热情回应周围人,甚至是那些以不公义敌对他们人。

34、It"s a relief to learn about his final success.得知他终于成,这真叫人欣!

35、Praising them for their persrance and hard work will encoage them to do the same for the next .那就赞扬他毅力和勤奋吧,这样做能鼓励他下次测验时也同样地用。

36、、 It"s a relief to learn about his final success.得知他终于成,这真叫人欣!

37、Thughout his life he would credit this teacher, Justin Tolman, for insping and encoaging him, and giving him the information he needed.他一生得益于这位老师―贾斯廷·托尔曼―对他激发、鼓励以及给予了他所需要。

38、But he warned that younger people and children still had to be encoaged to do vigous exercise like fast walking, running, swimming and cycling.但是他也警告说,还是要鼓励年轻人和儿童进行剧烈运动,如快走、跑步、游泳和骑自行车。

39、He encoaged his followers to meditate and sing devotional songs, and to take his darshan — that is, to see him in person, the better to expeence his divine presence.他鼓励信徒虔诚冥想,唱歌曲,并把他噶大山- 也就是说,他看到人,更好地经验,他神圣存在。

40、Thugh Centno, Intel hopes to encoage corporations and users to replace their crent laptops with a newer, mobile version.通过迅驰技术,英特尔希望鼓励公司和个人用户能够把他们现有笔记电脑换成更新更移动版。

41、They will also not encoage the gwth of bactea as long as they are kept dry and the area they are stored in is dry as well.他们也不会鼓励细菌生长,只要他们一直和地区,他们都储存在乾燥,以及。

42、There"s no reason to feel discoaged.没有理由感到气馁。

43、And instead of rewarding him for a dry bed (he can't contl whether or not his bed will be dry), praise him for using the toilet sral times in the day – fo to sn times is usual.可以鼓励他白天多上厕所——四次到七次都是很正常,而不要等他不床才奖励他(他没办法控制不床)。

44、BianZhiShu Cui Min yu encoaged, clutching his hands to go on step by step, Cui Min yu thank BianZhiShu, let him beli that people need the of man.卞智淑给崔珉宇鼓励,紧握着他手一步一步地走了过去,崔珉宇非常感谢卞智淑,让他相信人是需要人帮助。

45、Becse I want to inspire, motivate, and “unblock” wters so that they can follow their passion with greater ease.因为我想激发,鼓励作者们,解除他们障碍,以便让他们能够更轻松随创作。

46、Thanks to their fraternal love, assistance and encoagement, I have time and again been saved fm falling into an abyss while on its verge. They have been enormously geneus towards me.他们友爱,他们帮助,他们鼓励,几次把我从深渊边沿救回来。

47、But we also say thank you becse we want the other person to know we value what they’ve done for us and, maybe, encoage them to us again in the fute.但我们跟别人说谢谢是因为我们想其他人知道我们珍惜他们为我们所做一切,或许,鼓励他们在未来继续帮助我们。

48、Where would his torte be, indeed, if at ry step the hope of succeeding upheld him?确,如果他每跨一步都有成希望在鼓励他,那么他苦刑又算得了甚么呢?

49、You don"t have to worry about that.你不必为此担心。

50、It"s not as bad as you thought.这并不像你想得那么糟。

经典英文句子51:鼓励他人,51、Thanks to their fraternal love, assistance and encoagement, I have time and again been saved fm falling into an abyss while on its verge.他们友爱,他们帮助,他们鼓励,几次把我从深渊边沿救回来。

52、The dghter of an illiterate mother who encoaged her dghter to read and wte, she tells me when she was young she was mocked as she walked to school alone.一位不识字女儿鼓励她女儿多多读多写,她告诉我在他年轻时候当他一个人去学校时他总会被嘲笑。


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