
发布时间:2023-04-08 07:15:23 阅读:74 点赞:0

关于”季节诗“英子52个,句子主体:Poetry of the Season。以下是关于季节诗初二英子。

英文句子模板1:Poetry of the Season


1、What suit this season most is thin silk by.


2、Ding busy seasons they with field work.


3、The thermal spng water has a light isotope composition in summer and a heavy isotope composition in winter.


4、Thugh the seasons change, reminding us of scenes in a wake.


5、Another trend this season that will most likely continue into summer is metallic colors.


6、The marks appear and disappear with the seasons.


7、The season represents hope, joy and bety.

於这个可爱季节 我们将会分离

8、We'll be apart in such sweet season


9、As the grass gws on the weirs;


10、The holiday spit of the season in one word is - infectious!


11、Explores the meaning of IPLV and its relationship with SEER in ARI Standard 550/590-2003, and maintains that SEER can closely reflect season or annual mean ener efficiency of a single chiller.


12、The cold season, I have to make themselves adapt to the change of season, kered down at home to enjoy the bety of life.


13、The sing can be pelous in this season.


14、This is the best season for a ramble in the subbs.


15、Accordingly, notice the summer wants to highlight cool and refreshing , winter should build the atmosphere that gives warmth, deduce the feeling of different season thereby.


16、Maotai-liquor is a stng seasonally pduct.


17、And the feeding rate and plumpness index of Channa asiatica changed with the season, highest in the summer and lowest in the winter.


18、They focus mainly on the off-peak peod bee of the negative impact of seasonality.


19、Though seasonal flooding for nearly a centy has meant that the lake's size fluctuates thughout the year, it now expeences radical shifts in size as it seesaws beeen flooding and dught.


20、It's important to change the detail of yoga than to change yoga clothes.

21、The results show that the seasonal charactesti of beach pfiles located at the Tiaozini sand dges are accumulation in tumn-winter and esion in spng-summer;结果表明,条子泥陆侧岸滩剖面季节变化特点是夏季侵蚀,冬季淤积;

22、THE Amazon's dry season, fm July to September, is when the gleis cut and bn the rainforest.亚马孙旱季从xx月延续到xx月,正是窃林人毁林烧荒季节。

23、Crently it is the high season to harvest narcissus bulbs.那现在正好是水仙收获季节。

24、This season, we have found mostly clay floors.这个季节,我们发现主要是粘土层。

25、Different teas in different seasons have different feates .不同季节茶都有不同特。

英文句子26:,26、Spng know, now just over the harvest wheat season.山泉知道,现在刚过了收小麦季节。

27、The landscape of northeast Bangladesh changes fm season to season: natal patterns of flooding fishees in the wet season and allow ce gwing in the dry.孟加拉东北部地表状况每季都会有变化:规律地出现氾滥,让当地在潮湿季节从事渔业,在乾旱季节则种植稻米。

28、This pattern is siificantly different fm that seen ding epidemi of seasonal influenza, when most deaths occ in frail elderly people.这与季节流感流行期间见到规律显著不同。 发生季节流感时,亡主要见于老年体弱者。

29、Lightning density shows obvious latitude character as the seasons change: fm spng to summer, it is forwards to the north; fm summer to tumn, it is backwards to the south.地闪密度随季节呈明显纬度变化,春季到夏季有明显北进过程,而夏季到秋季则呈明显南退过程;

30、Skincare is totally seasonal, just like yo wardbe.护肤品完全是季节,好比你服装。

31、The June is a rainy season of the year in Wuxi.xx月无锡,正是梅雨季节。

32、This expement was conducted to study the changes of forage nutent content and seasonal shift of bacteal community in rumen of the grazing Tibetan sheep.文旨在研究不同季节牧营养成分变化及藏系绵羊瘤胃细菌区系季节动态变化。

33、I walk to school ding the plum-rain season.在 梅雨季节 时我走路去上学。

34、"We expect to retn to pfit in the third quarter fm a seasonally weak second quarter," Hong told reporters after intducing new fdges in Korea.他对记者称,"经历第二季季节疲弱后,我们预计第三季将扭亏为盈."

35、it's not too hot,not too cold in this season. 这给季节不太热不太冷。

36、We'll be apart in such sweet season 於这个可爱季节 我们将会分离

37、Envinmental factors in winter were charactezed by low temperate and high dissolve oxygen concentration, while those in summer were opposite.在季节变化上,冬季环境以低水温、高溶解氧为突出特点,夏季则反之;

38、In the winter of 2010, Jakobshavn’s ice fnt did not re-advance as it usually does, so it be the 2010 melt season in the same location as the 2009 summer melt season.xx年冬天,雅各布港冰川前沿并没有像往常一样重新前进,于是xx年融水季节是在xx年夏季融水季节结束同一地点开始。

39、It requires a long gwing season and a site less subject to low winter temperates.它需要一个漫长生长季节和站点少受冬季气温低。

40、Won't the gorgeous flower for tomorw, but found it to put the will of the season.不会把花季绚假借给明天,却定将这待放季节染。

41、The whaling season typically runs until mid-March.一般捕鲸季节要持续到xx月中旬。

42、September each year is the season of blooming chrysanthemums, high Qishuang days, the tea is ready to start picking chrysanthemum tea made fm the best season of chrysanthemums.每年xx月是菊花盛开季节,天高气,也是茶人开始准备采摘菊花制成菊花茶最好季节。

43、The harvest season for early ce is about to come.早稻丰收季节即将到来。

44、It's the season for coughs, colds, frs, flues.这是治疗咳嗽,感冒,发烧,烟道季节。

45、There are seasons in yo spitual life, too.在你精神生活中也有不同季节。

46、A season of flowers, sunflower to warm eyes.一个花开季节、用向来温暖眼。

47、It es seasonal flu in ry subsequent year.它在随后每年引起季节流感。

48、Young sputs of Ha planting mateals at vaous seasons were examined in relation to the water-retaining capacity and ootic substance which were employed to determine optimum planting season.测定橡胶树不同季节萌动芽持水力及几种渗透活物质,并以此判断最适宜定植季节。

49、Betiful season, we love bee huddle together.明媚季节里,我们因为爱情依偎在一起。

50、Melatonin (MT) is secreted by the pineal gland and has obvious biological rhythmicity including circadian, season rhythm and life rhythm (aging clock).褪黑素(MT)由松果腺分泌,具有明显生物节律,包括昼夜节律、季节节律和生命周期节律。

经典英文句子51:季节诗,51、The third is beeen Nanchong and Chongqing and has the biggest seasonal change and disappears in summer.东部南充到重庆间大值中心,季节变化大,在夏季消失。

52、This is the blossom season now but it snowed.该是开花季节现在却下起了雪。

53、The quantity of undercoat is affected by climate and season.底毛数量受到季节和气候影响。

54、And he ordered the seasons, and holidays of them, and in them they celebrated festivals at an ho.他规定了不同时令和季节,以便在那些时节内,依时庆祝一些节。

55、It was a nice sickly season just at this time.当时适值疾病流行美妙季节。

56、A longer summer seasonalso contbuted to a longer work season for the bees collectinollen, which, according to researchers, weakened them for the winter.较长夏季也促使蜜蜂采花粉季节加长,而根据研究人员,这使它们冬季抵抗力削弱。

57、But with the off-season cultivation technique.这里运用是反季节栽培技术。

58、You’ll feel differently ry season.这样,每个季节,你会感觉到自己变样了。

59、And according to season, there were winter clothes and summer clothes.根据季节则有冬夏之分。

60、Goddard released this set of maps compang "seasonal mean temperate anomalies" for the last o winters (left) and summers (ght).哥大德中心给出了一组对比过去两个冬季(左边)和夏季(右边)“季节平均温度异常”地图。

61、This is the time of the year when they press their gs.这是他们榨葡萄汁季节。

62、"It's a very seasonal place," Hedges said.“这是一个季节很强地方,”赫奇斯说。

63、Seasonal changes in CO2 concentrations mainly result fm the seasonal vaations of the soces and sinks of the biosphere.南半球则是海洋影响最为重要。全球二氧化碳浓度季节变化主要来源于生物圈源汇季节变化。

、Betiful season, we love bee huddle together. 明媚季节里,我们因为爱情依偎在一起。

65、The community structes of spiders in different seasons are of obvious differences (p<0.05), in which the degree of diversity of winter spiders is quite distinct fm that in other seasons (p<0.05).杨树林蜘蛛群落结构在不同季节存在显著差异(p<0.05),冬季蜘蛛种群丰富度与其他几个季节差异显著(p<0.05);

66、"A all wall-mounted electc heater, along with ceiling fan and natal ventilation, condition the fm season to season with ease and efficiency, " said the firm.“一个小壁装式电热水器,与天花板风扇和自然通风,从一个季节到另一个季节,简单高效地调节了居住环境,”公司说。

67、Conclusion Summer was the main season of yearly new infection of S. japonicum, and reinfection was likely to happen in tumn.结论在江滩型地区经过一个春季感染后,夏季是人群年度血吸虫新感染主要季节,秋季再感染率较高。

68、Breeding season for Afcan Fish Eagles is ding the dry season, when water lls are low.吼海雕繁殖季节是在 旱季,那时,所有地方水位都降到很低。

69、Seasonal fluctuations were obvious with dry-hot summer depressing the earthworm population sharply, leading to the aestivation of earthworm.蚯蚓种群季节波动明显,夏季热有强烈抑制作用。

70、Betiful season, we love bee huddle together. 明媚季节里,我们因为爱情依偎在一起。


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