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xx年级基单词表,有助于提高英语成绩,这里搜集了606个关于“九下英语第十一单元单词”大纲单词表,包括翻译、例句以及 military academy n. 、actuality、 advancement of pening 等词汇,希望帮助需要同学。

xx年级基单词表,有助于提高英语成绩,这里搜集了606个关于“九下英语第十一单元单词”大纲单词表,包括翻译、例句以及 military academy n. 、actuality、 advancement of pening 等词汇,希望帮助需要同学。

1、 military academy n.

中文翻译: 陆军军官学校

例句:C.N.N. is going live at 8:00 p.m. with the number 17 翻译:C. N. N.。

The next day he was speaking, standing with his back to the fire, when he noticed sral lips moving rapidly. Suddenly the whole class shouted:" Ninety-eight, ninety-nine, one dred." 第二天他正站在炉火前讲话,发现很多张嘴在飞快地动,突然全班一同喊起来:“九十八,九十九,一百。



例句:And here is the fruition of that in actuality. 翻译:这就是我们成果。。

In the battle that followed, the men of the Ninety-Ninth gained their first victory. 在随后战役中,九十九中队取得了他们第一场胜利。


3、 advancement of pening

中文翻译: 成熟加速

例句:Welcome, citizens, to the annual ceremony of advancement. 翻译:to the annual ceremony of advancement.。

Article 137 The pvisions of Article 109 and Article 119 of this Law shall apply to insance agents and insance bkers. 第一百三十七条法第一百零九条、第一百一十九条规定,适用于保险人和保险经纪人。

4、 aim to do

中文翻译: 指望做没事

例句:Suitles translated by Aim Here. 翻译:Suitles translated by Aim Here.。

Suddenly the whole class shouted: "Ninety-eight, ninety-nine, a dred. 突然,全班学生一起喊道:“九十八,九十九,一百。

5、 alfalfa meal

中文翻译: 苜蓿粉 苜蓿粉

例句:Effects of Alfalfa Hay Meal Partially Substituted for Complete Diets on Gwing Performance of Duc Swine 翻译:苜蓿粉替代部分全价粮对杜洛克生长育肥猪生长能影响。

The first election to the Distct Councils was held on November 28. In all, 798 candidates stood for election to 390 seats, with 76 of the candidates being retned unconed. 第一届区议会选举在xx年xx月二十八举行,共有798名候选人参选,角逐390个议席,当中76名候选人在没有对手情况下自动当选。

6、 Aloft Harlem

中文翻译: 哈莱姆雅乐轩酒店

例句:- Hands aloft to sece! - Come on, get aloft there! 翻译:水手們到高處去保護 快點到那邊上面去。

Article 33. This Bylaw shall become effective as fm the first day of July of 1991. 第三十三条细则自xx年xx月一起施行。



例句:You're good, care, And if you want to make amends, 翻译:如果你想弥补 and if you want to make amends,。

The ninetieth customer will win a spse gift. 第九十名顾客将会赢得一份惊喜大礼。



例句:i thought you would be at the amphitheatre? 翻译:你不是去斗牛场了吗。

Article 19 The intermediate people's cots shall have jusdiction as cots of first instance over the following civil cases 第十九条 中级管辖下列第一审民事案件



例句:is this not an ample witness? 翻译:∮ 这不是爱证明吗?。

Last October, Fifi, the only sviving chimpanzee I knew as an infant in the early 10s, delivered her ninth offspng at age 44. 去年xx月,Fifi,这个上世纪xx年代唯一存活下来婴儿在xx岁时产下了第九个幼仔。

10、 anecdotal record

中文翻译: 轶事记录

例句:anecdotal conversation; an anecdotal history of jazz; he was at his anecdotic best. 翻译:专讲逸闻趣事交谈;爵士乐逸史;他正大讲逸闻趣事。。

Beeen late-September and mid-October. xx月下旬到xx月中旬。

11、 Anguished Embarrass

中文翻译: 痛苦难堪

例句:with yo anguished screams! 翻译:那么如果敌人力量 完全是未知力量呢 我也是刚才听说。



例句:Sorry, i don't have any antidotes to tell you. 翻译:我没有动听antidote[解药]。


13、 wharf apn

中文翻译: 码头岸肩 自码头货棚至水边间空间

例句:There a seous sediment deposition in the wharf apn of an alongshore pile wharf. 翻译:顺岸式桩基码头前沿会发生较为严重泥沙淤积。 。

14、 Arcade Mode

中文翻译: 街机模式 竞赛模式 休闲模式 娱乐模式

例句:♪ And i pray to the only one 翻译:- Depeche Mode。



例句:Nothing like aspin for the nuclear holocst. 翻译:Nothing like aspin for the nuclear holocst.。

16、 attbution theory

中文翻译: 归因理论 归因论 归因表面

例句:Attbution Theory influence in Sportman's Behavior 翻译:归因及其对运动员影响。

17、 Austan passport

中文翻译: 奥地利护照

例句:No, then it was the passport. 翻译:then it was the passport.。



例句:Authotaani is choking many countes. 翻译:主义让很多国家饱受摧残。 。

19、 wheel and axle

中文翻译: 车辆 轴 与轴 再向车和车轴模块 轴

例句:Remove the axle fm a wheel so that it is not deable. 翻译:取下一个子,以便它不骑乘桥。。

20、 oil barge

中文翻译: 船 油驳 油驳船 油趸

例句:Tote that barge and lift that bale 翻译:Tote that barge and lift that bale。

21、 Waterpofing for basements

中文翻译: 谈地下室工程防水

例句:This is waterpofing the of." 翻译:这是防水屋顶。"。

22、 nevada class battleship

中文翻译: 内华达级战列舰

例句:Those are all battleship class ships! 翻译:舰级别都有!。


23、 Betiful Thing

中文翻译: 美好事物

例句:Well, that's the betiful thing about it. 翻译:that's the betiful thing about it.。

24、 make beli v.

中文翻译: 假装 假扮

例句:- Stop lending the Gallaghers o , V. 翻译:V.。



例句:Well, it's like it. He's a famous bloke. Look, you'll know him, i bet. 翻译:I bet.。



例句:Chao Gongwu's Achiment in Bibliography 翻译:晁公武目录学成就。

27、 Rachel Blinked

中文翻译: 雷切尔动摇

例句:Just told you rything we knew about Dad was a lie, and you barely blinked. 翻译:and you barely blinked.。

28、 Sweet Sweet Bodyguard

中文翻译: 剩女保镖 剩女保镳 曲

例句:Sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet 翻译:Sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet。

29、 Boo Weekley

中文翻译:威克利 维克利 威克利 波

例句:Benny boo-boo, boo-boo-boo. 翻译:等一下给你回电话好吗? 我想你。



例句:He hid behind a great bowlder and fell to listening. 翻译:他躲在一个大圆石后面,侧耳倾听。 。



例句:Amecans are brawn but brash 翻译:真是大少爷,有勇无谋有什么用 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}Amecans are brawn but brash。

32、 Brat Desis

中文翻译: 制作商

例句:i've had enough! 200 miles and "ciao, little brat"! 翻译:little brat"!。


33、 bump into

中文翻译: 撞上 碰见 碰到 偶然碰上

例句:Bump, bump, bump went the brake 翻译:Bump, bump, bump went the brake。

34、 CAL Calibrate

中文翻译: 校正 标准化 校定 校定校正

例句:Cal trask-- a very seous gambler 翻译:Cal Trask -。



例句:♪ got some words on cardboard 翻译:♪Got some words on cardboard♪。



例句:Spng break in Mexico, winters in the Cabbean. 翻译:winters in the Cabbean.。

37、 engine casing

中文翻译: 机舱棚 机舱围壁 发动机外壳

例句:( Engine Revving, Tires Screeching ) 翻译:[ Engine Revving, Tires Screeching ]。

38、 Cheap Tck

中文翻译: 廉价把戏乐队 廉价把戏 低级戏法 廉价戏法

例句:Cheap tck and a cheesy one-liner? 翻译:That's all you got? Cheap tck and a cheesy one。

39、 Ming-Chi Kuo

中文翻译: 郭明池 郭明 郭明志 郭明錤

例句:Auyeung Chi-Ming is elected! 翻译:由欧阳志明当选。

40、 ad civility

中文翻译: 交通文明

例句:On the ad (on the ad) that we're going 翻译:On the ad (on the ad) that we're going。

41、 Clandestine istration and Oversight Services

中文翻译: 绝密行动处

例句:Ladies and gentlemen of the Clandestine Services, 翻译:女士們 先生們 讓我們歡迎。

42、 tractors clattered along the ad

中文翻译: 拖拉机走在路上铿铿地响

例句:Eyes out on the ad but no one comes along 翻译:Eyes out on the ad but no one comes along。




例句:Well, i'm not a clinician. 翻译:我不是临床大夫。



例句:- The Wolowitz Coefficient? 翻译:Wolowitz系数?。

45、 comparative coition

中文翻译: 比较认知

例句:Her coition's fraented. 翻译:Her coition's fraented.。

46、 complicate e

中文翻译: 使陷入 使复杂 结构复杂 使某事复杂化

例句:Don't complicate things for yoself. 翻译:Don't complicate things for yoself.。

47、 Concentrated Juice

中文翻译: 浓缩果汁 浓缩刺梨汁 冰镇啤酒 浓缩汁

例句:concentrated juice of xbgh se 翻译:浓缩刺梨汁。



例句:The carpet guys will nr know there's anything beneath it. 翻译:-setting concrete on top of it.。

49、 german conservati

中文翻译: 德国保守主义

例句:- What if i asked the German ambassador? 翻译:What if I asked the German ambassador?。

50、 Research & Construe

中文翻译: 民事执行调查与分析

例句:Okay, what do we have here? 翻译:This is research.。

51、 cool hand n.

中文翻译: 冒失鬼

例句:C.N.N. is going live at 8:00 p.m. with the number 17 翻译:C. N. N.。

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