
发布时间:2023-12-07 07:25:26 阅读:50 点赞:0

初一常见单词表,终贯穿于初一学习生活,这里搜集了467个关于“miss英语单词”高级词汇表,包括单词用法以及 individual accountability 、 air adjust 、 Adobe Flash Player 等词汇,希望帮助需要同学。

初一常见单词表,终贯穿于初一学习生活,这里搜集了467个关于“miss英语单词”高级词汇表,包括单词用法以及 individual accountability 、 air adjust 、 Adobe Flash Player 等词汇,希望帮助需要同学。

1、 individual accountability

中文翻译: 人责任 体责任 体当责 人职能

例句:it would've made me judge, jy and executioner with ze accountability. 翻译:jy and executioner with ze accountability.。

I really miss a lot of my fends out there. I miss competing. 我真很想念球场上朋友们,很怀念比赛。

2、 air adjust

中文翻译: 空气调节螺钉 空气调整螺丝 怠速空气调节螺钉 怠速空气调治螺丝

例句:Now i'll have to move on again. 翻译:it took me time to adjust to Taiwan。

"I just miss – I miss being anonymous," he said. 他说:“我想念……想念自己寂寂无名子。


3、 Adobe Flash Player

中文翻译: 播放器 件

例句:Adobe integrated Runtime and Flash Player use AMF for communications beeen an application and a remote . 翻译:AdobeIntegratedRuntime和Flash播放器使用AMF来在应用程序和远程之间进行通信。。

I just miss them and miss spending time with my family. 我真地很想念他们,想念那些和他们在一起时光。



例句:- You're such an adolescent. 翻译:- 你还处于青春期啊。。

Lingling:I know. I miss China! I miss my grandmother. 玲玲:我知道。我想念!我想念我祖母。

5、 Affiliation Need

中文翻译: 归属需求 归属需要 亲和需要 心理 交往需要

例句:Yo name and affiliation? 翻译:请证人说出自己名字和所在单位。

You can't miss it! You can't miss it! 你一定会找得到。

6、 affnt n

中文翻译: 公开侮辱

例句:That is an Affnt! Not badly. 翻译:-这是侮辱,是丑闻 我觉得还不错。

I miss u, baby, really miss you! 我想你了。宝贝。真好想你。!



Miss Xishi was loved widely, while there were some people to love Miss Dongshi. 西施有人爱,东施不见得就没有人喜欢。

8、 allusion to

中文翻译: 间接提到

例句:- is this an allusion to me? 翻译:- 这是一个典故给我吗? - 是。。

Remember the shortened negative form of will not / will not = won’t / won’t, e.g. I won’t miss the party / I won’t miss the party. 记住will not /将不简写否定形式是won’t /将不,例如I won’t miss the party /我将不会错过这个聚会。

9、 Gonna Be Alght

中文翻译: 没关系 一切都很好 永远幸福 会好

例句:Gonna show him i care, gonna teach him a lesson alght 翻译:Gonna show him I care,gonna teach him a lesson alght。

I miss you when I feel happy just as I miss the shade inthe hot sun. 我在快乐时想你,就像郧尉阳下想树阴。

10、 wild ancestor

中文翻译: 野生原种

例句:Don't talk so much, worship o ancestor! 翻译:worship o ancestor!。

We miss you. 我们想念您。

11、 Philip the Arab

中文翻译: 伯人菲利普

例句:You didn't phone me just to be remembered, Philip. 翻译:Philip.。



例句:That's the thing about greed, Arch. 翻译:这就是贪婪, Arch。


13、 conformity archetype

中文翻译: 从众求同原型

例句:Tools and techniques: archetypes. 翻译:工具和技术:原型(Archetype)。 。



例句:"Fm the peaceful seabed ase o snakes," 翻译:"Fm the peaceful seabed ase o snakes,"。



例句:- Actually, how could it be an armenian thing? 翻译:how could it be an Armenian thing?。

16、 iliac artery

中文翻译: 髂动脉

例句:He must have nicked the iliac artery. 翻译:他一定是割伤了髂动脉 He must have nicked the iliac artery.。

17、 left atum

中文翻译: 左心房 左心耳

例句:The ablation catheter was placed in left atum by transeptal access. 翻译:经房间隔穿刺,放置左心房导管。 。

18、 hozontal axis

中文翻译: 水平轴 横轴

例句:And the [hozontal] axis is time. 翻译:纵坐标代表了时间。

19、 Gelada Baboon

中文翻译: 狮尾狒

例句:The gelada baboon needs a head for heights, where a single slip would mean certain death. 翻译:高地狮尾狒狒有一个核心领袖 如果单独行动就意味着亡。

20、 to the bad ◎

中文翻译:亏损 负债 欠账 吃亏

例句:i'm afraid i can't take much credit 翻译:Every bad day, ry bad episode.。

21、 Grand Ballom

中文翻译: 大宴会厅 宴会大礼堂 大舞厅

例句:This is o grand ballom. 翻译:这是我们 体育馆。

22、 nevada class battleship

中文翻译: 内华达级战列舰

例句:Those are all battleship class ships! 翻译:舰级别都有!。


23、 bwn bear

中文翻译: 棕熊 棕熊

例句:Ec Carle Bwn bear bwn bear what do you see 翻译:棕熊,棕熊,你在看什么、。

24、 bety and the beast 《


例句:When a bety's with a beast it makes me awfully mad. 翻译:When a bety's with a beast it makes me awfully mad。

25、 believable pbability

中文翻译: 置信概率

例句:i keep this moving fast, 'cse of the pbability of winning. 翻译:'cse of the pbability of winning.。



例句:"Do not bemoan the sailor's life. 翻译:勿为海员伤悲。

27、 Betas & Widgets

中文翻译: 麻省理工学院图书馆

例句:SWT widgets actually map to the platform's native widgets. 翻译:SWT窗口部件实际上映到平台机部件。 。



例句:Yo, i'm 'bout to blister you and yo sister 翻译:Yo, I'm 'bout to blister you and yo sister。

29、 middy blouse

中文翻译: 水手衫 海员衫 火手衫

例句:* A coat, dress or blouse * [ Chuckles ] * Remember somewhere * Which one of you is the father? 翻译:* A coat, dress or blouse * [ 笑声 ]。

30、 a body of

中文翻译: 一片 大量

例句:His coat, was it on the body? 翻译:was it on the body?。

31、 peat bog

中文翻译: 地理 泥炭沼 泥炭沼泽 泥炭 泥煤沼

例句:A piece of impassable bog with yield of liquid peat. 翻译:一个不可逾越泥沼区。 。

32、 bobons of india

中文翻译: 波旁王朝

例句:Ladies and gentlemen fm team Adam. 翻译:India。


33、 brace yoself

中文翻译: 振作精神 振作起来

例句:Brace yoself! Brace yoself! 翻译:准备好,准备好!。

34、 Bety and the Befcase

中文翻译: 职场求爱记 北斗神拳

例句:That's what was in the befcase. 翻译:that's what was in the befcase。



例句:- She's on the bnk of... 翻译:- 她正在... - 难。 - She's on the bnk of...。



例句:Boch. The gemstone came fm the boch. 翻译:胸针 胸针上宝石。

37、 The Deer in the Bullpen

中文翻译: 牛栏里鹿

例句:This is just addressed to "the bullpen," 翻译:这次只写了咱们部门收。

38、 rubber bumper

中文翻译: 橡皮缓冲器 机 橡胶缓冲器 橡胶保险杠 橡胶缓冲块

例句:- it's not hair? - No, it's rubber. 翻译:it's rubber.。



例句:Stress, bnout, they are overwhelmed, accidents. 翻译:压力、 职业倦怠,他们不堪重负,意外事故(频发) 。

40、 Xi Carnival

中文翻译: 快乐节 高兴节 歌曲萨顶顶 上一首

例句:is that the fish you won at the carnival? 翻译:Is that the fish you won at the carnival?。

41、 Chaos Rings

中文翻译: 之戒 指环 胡乱环 之环

例句:You'll make a great servant for the count. 翻译:[Rings] [Screams]。

42、 physical charactestic

中文翻译: 物理特 体型特征

例句:After gnded by STM Vertical Mill, physical charactestic is changed and their gndable charactestic is impved greatly. 翻译:经过STM立磨处理后物料物理质得到改变,物料易磨能显著提高。 。


43、 chess

中文翻译: 棋类游戏

例句:Didn't we agree on something exciting? 翻译:I heard you're going to show a chess 。



例句:it doesn't have to be classic or ck 翻译:It doesn't have to be classic or ck。

45、 colorless-dreamer

中文翻译: 无梦想家

例句:Follow the heart, you dreamer 翻译:you dreamer。

46、 halley's comet

中文翻译: 天 哈雷彗星

例句:Oh! Oh, like Halley's comet. 翻译:like Halley's comet.。



例句:As a connoisse of human folly, 翻译:我身为人类愚行鉴赏家。

48、 conscientious a

中文翻译: 认真 勤勤恳恳 诚心诚意 谨慎

例句:How conscientious is that, ght? 翻译:你不认为很有良心吗?。

49、 conservative people's party

中文翻译: 保守党

例句:Joe: What, just to blow up a Conservative party office? 翻译:just to blow up a Conservative party office?。



例句:- Fitz bke into containment! 翻译:- It's Fitz! - Fitz bke into containment!。

51、 Cool Japan

中文翻译: 酷 酷战略 酷岛国

例句:Cool it, cool it, cool it, cool it, cool it! 翻译:冷静 冷静 冷静! Cool it, cool it, cool it, cool it, cool it!。

标签: 男子英文名  我的世界英文名 

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