
发布时间:2022-10-23 10:39:18 阅读:121 点赞:0

关于”如何提高写作能力“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:How to impve wting ability。以下是关于如何提高写作能力雅思英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:How to impve wting ability

·■ tr (task response), aiea argument, Iidea, Eevision: the elderly have contbuted all their life and ener to social dlopment. Now is the time for them to enjoy a peaceful and comfortable rest life in a carefree way and contbute their personal value) ■ CC (consistency and cohesion), in addition, it ■ LR (vocabulary resoces) ■ GR & A (grammatical scope and accacy) It is necessary for universities to pvide practical training for students. It is necessary for universities to pvide practical training for students.




Wte a diary ry day, ddnreal player modem on) RealPlayer I'm a foreier in China. I don't think there is any so-called "English grammar or pnunciation" reading and oral practice that can make you accustomed to a language usage. I'm learning Mandan now, but I don't think there is a set of rules or grammar in Chinese that "study hard and wish you well" Good luck, happy new year.


每天写一篇记DDNRealPlayerModem on)RealPlayer toefregat(TOERE)花点时间做点什么,”,:,我只是在拉你腿“我是一个外国人在我不认为有任何所谓“英语语法或语音”阅读和口语练习可以让你习惯一种语言用法我现在正在学习汉语普通话,但我不认为汉语中有一套规则或语法“好好学习和“祝你好运,新年快乐。


What can you say, what can you wte? I'm going to Hong Kong and Beijing in the United States. I'm going to go there by bus and train. I'm going to watch TV, go to Shanghai, listen to music, be a model, take some photos, plant trees, what can you say, what you can wte, what you can see, what you can say is very good? What's the weather like (cool, hot, sunny...) They are in the School Park, at home, in a farm zoo.) What are they doing (playing basketball, reading, dancing, cycling, how tired, excited, happy Ellis, we're moving, o school, o classom, my house, my dream house, my new bedom: the cold in winter, the summer in spng, the spng in tumn: we put on the tree we can play with, we can't go to it.

The warm and rainy flowers are betiful. We're going to Hainan. Good, excellent.

You've found a good job in the little wter's garden.



标签: 出国英文名  加拿大英文名  宠物英文名  王者英文名 

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