关于锻炼的英语作文_physical exercise 3篇

发布时间:2023-05-30 10:00:32 阅读:213 点赞:0

关于”锻炼“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:physical exercise。以下是关于锻炼初中英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:physical exercise

As the saying goes, before losing health, no one knows the value of health. We know that health is very important to ryone, but how to keep healthy? Many people beli that sports can bng health and happiness to people. I think doing physical exercise has many benefits.

First of all, doing exercise in the morning can make my body rejuvenate and make me have a good appetite for breakfast. Moreover, the morning air is really fresh and clean, so I can keep my head clear and healthy by doing physical exercise ry day. I can keep my brain alert, I can finish the task in time.

If I don't do any physical exercise, I will feel tired, my body will become very lazy at night, I may find it difficult to fall asleep the next day, and daily exercise can me shape a better personality. Exercise takes time and patience. Sometimes I just want to give up, but my fends encoage me to continue, and then I feel very satiied.

Doing physical exercise makes me stnger and healthier. This is my personal expeence. As a student, physical education is essential.

You can pick up yo favote sport and do it ry day. You can have a happy and healthy body.





Now, becse the government advises people to exercise, the government has built a lot of equipment in public places for people to exercise. The meases have taken effect, but some of them seldom take part in the activities for many reasons. First, some of them are students.

They are forced to do morning exercises in high school. After graduation fm high school, no one forces them to exercise. Most students become lazy and like to sleep for a long time.

Only a all number of them can stick to the second habit. Other peers are working, They are fighting for their own career. The presse is so great that they have to sit in the office all day long.

In order to compete with others, they have to work in the office for a long time. The fierce competition makes them breathless. People have to work as much as possible to ense that the boss is satiied.

People in the s and s are in a good time of life, in addition to sleep and work, they should have some time to exercise, healthy body to ense a better fute.




Physical exercise recently, we conducted a svey on people who take part in physical exercise. Only% of them have participated in sports activities. More than half of the people said that they did not have enough time to exercise, and% complained that there was no place to relax themselves, and the training facilities were not enough.

There were still% people who felt that their living place was too far away fm the training center. Some people n did not know how to train becse of lack of physical exercise. Howr, many people were not in good health.

People should realize its importance and take meases Pvide training facilities for people.



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