关于体育活动的英语作文_Sports activities 5篇

发布时间:2022-07-12 09:42:02 阅读:230 点赞:0

关于”体育活动“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Sports activities。以下是关于体育活动xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Sports activities

Today, I'm going to give a speech on the importance and siificance of sports, and give some opinions on whether the third grade students of senior high school should exercise for one ho ry day and do one ho of physical exercise. There is a saying that if you exercise for an ho ry day, you can work healthily for 50 years and live a happy life. Real sports can not only guarantee o health, but also bng happiness.

Neochemists say that exercise can make the body pduce some chemicals into the blood, and as the blood circulates to the nervous , it makes people excited, becse it is good for o health. Obviously, ryone knows that life exists in action. Physical instructors say exercise can impve lung and heart function, and yo immune can better ptect yo body fm disease.

As we all know, senior three students are very busy, they have a lot of presse to study. You should take time to do physical exercise. Exercise can not only relax yo brain, but also refresh yo mind after hos of hard work.

You may feel tired and yo brain may work slowly. If you stay there and study, you may lose efficiency. So why not go out of the classom and breathe fresh air? Why not choose yo favote sport in the playgund Exercise yo muscles and joints to free you fm the anxiety and bden of learning.

After that, as oxygen is absorbed into yo brain, you can use ener to restart yo study. My point of view is that I sincerely hope you can join Meishang sports and make yo life healthier and hr. Remember: don't let the college entrance examination make yo life monotonous without change.






Baidu Zhidao school holds a sports meeting ry tumn, which is very lively. Recalling the last competition, I won the first pze of high jump ding the sports meeting. The students exercise in the morning, do eye exercises in the afternoon, and play basketball or football after class.

The schedule is very regular.




I did a svey on the time we spent on physical exercise on weekends. The results showed that most of my clasates did 12 hos of physical exercise, few of them did 34 hos of exercise, one quarter of them did half an ho, and only o students did not. So, you see, than half of my clasates like sports.

I always exercise for a few hos on weekends. I play basketball, and I play basketball with fends ry weekend Practice running together becse I think it's not only good for my health, but also makes me get good grades. I suggest that those who nr exercise or exercise should take some time to exercise, and then you will find that you are stnger than before.

There are many good ways to exercise, so exercise as soon as possible.



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