
发布时间:2023-05-25 17:45:02 阅读:126 点赞:0

关于”水污染与治理方法“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Water pollution and treatment methods。以下是关于水污染与治理方法初二英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Water pollution and treatment methods

We all know that there is a seous water pollution pblem on the earth. Yes, water pollution is getting and seous. The water in the ver is getting dirty.

Most of the fish in the water are dead. We can't swim in the water. My grandfather said that when he was very young, the water in the ver was very clean.

He used to swim in the ver with his fends, but now we can't see such a clean ver to ptect water It's not polluted becse we can't live without water. Water is very important to all of us.




The so-called light pollution refers to the traffic light pollution that cses adverse effects or discomfort to the human body, which is harmful to human health. Therefore, we should try o best to reduce light pollution. Now there are vaous ways to reduce light pollution.

First of all, I will talk about sral ways to reduce light pollution. In buildings, reflective glass can be used less becse it will cse r reflection. If the dver has just reflected light, It will shake and increase the incidence of traffic accidents.

Although the use of ordinary glass can also pduce specular reflection, the reflected light is not as stng as the reflective glass, so I try to use ordinary glass. We usually wte white, although it is very betiful, but one way is csed by light pollution. The light reflected by white paper will damage the is and cornea O Chinese books are yellow paper, just to avoid light pollution, other books had better change to yellow paper.




Water pollution in today's rapid economic dlopment, people can buy what they need, manufacters pvide them with all the new things, so the factory pduces a lot of pducts, in order to oain the maximum pfit, they do not deal with the pollution of water pollution, it is harmful to human health, we dnk water ry day, the government contls the manufacter to try to solve the pblem of water pollution.



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