
发布时间:2023-04-02 16:37:01 阅读:92 点赞:0

关于”电对生活影响“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:The impact of electcity on life。以下是关于电对生活影响专业英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The impact of electcity on life

There are many pgrams on TV, which are very interesting. My favote is the animal world, becse I like animals very much. The most important thing is that the pgram is very good and attractive.

The host told some interesting stoes about the animal world. I can learn a lot of knowledge. I know the relationship beeen different kinds of animals and beeen animals and human beings.

The most siificant thing is that it gives me a sense of ptecting animals, and I think that's what this pgram is trying to say.




This era is known as the "screen world". In fact, the emergence of advanced art phones and tanlet PC makes o life convenient. Recently, howr, people have begun to realize the defects of these electnic devices.

As the ophthalmologists say, the screen radiation is extremely bad and n harmful to the eyes. In addition, some sociologists blame the lack of interpersonal social activities on art phones, becse people can send text messages, use voice calls or FaceTime to communicate, howr, this is related to the fute The actual social activities are quite different. Maybe the lack of communication in the real world can lead to some social pblems, such as the alienation beeen parents and children.

In addition, long-time phone calls will definitely cse damage to the brain, which will lead to headache and other symptoms. Nsea or loss of appetite will cse a sees of pblems. For example, long-time phone calls will definitely cse damage to the brain, which may lead to headache, nsea or loss of appetite.

Social neorks d by telecommunication devices are far away fm real social interaction and n alienate people Therefore, the hidden dangers and hazards of mobile phones must be solved first or at least alleviated as soon as possible. When we are on the phone, we can actually use headphones instead of placing devices to move directly to the ears. This is very important to ense that yo mobile phone is tned off.

When you sleep, finally let it be at least a few meters away fm you, becse one person likes to Call or text while you're sitting together, so when you're with yo dinner, don't stare at yo family or fends on the screen. It's really ful to increase the intimacy beeen you and those close fends.


这个时代被称为“屏幕世界”,事实上,先进智能手机和tanlet PC出现使我们生活更加便利。然而,最近,人们开始意识到这些电子设备缺陷,正如眼科医生所说,屏幕辐极为恶劣,甚至对眼睛有害,尤其是除此之外,一些社会学家把缺乏人际交往社交活动归咎于智能手机,因为人们可以发短信、使用语音通话或facetime进行交流,然而,这与将来实际社交活动大不相同,也许现实世界中缺乏思想交流会导致某些社会问题,比如父母和孩子之间疏远。此外,长时间打电话肯定会对大脑造成损害,从而导致头痛等症状,恶心或食欲不振eaaf手机会引起一系列问题,例如,长时间打电话肯定会对大脑造成损害,这可能导致头痛、恶心或食欲不振等症状,由电信设备创建社交网络远离真实社会交往,甚至会疏远人们关系,因此,移动电话隐患和危害必须首先得到解决或至少尽快缓解,当我们在打电话时,我们实际上可以使用耳机而不是放置设备直接移动到耳朵上,这是非常重要,以确保你手机是关闭,当你睡觉时候,最后让它离你至少几米远,因为一个人喜欢在一起坐在一起时打电话或发短信,因此,当你和你晚餐时,不要盯着屏幕看家庭或朋友,这对提高你和那些之间亲密程度真很有帮助。


One of the dlopment trends of Comr Science in the fute is artificial intelligence, which is the research and artificial simulation of human thinking. Ultimately, it can make human like to use the same machine to serve human beings and people solve pblems. After all, people think that it is unique, emotional, and has a vaety of characters.

It is difficult to realize mechanically, and it should be like human thinking machine Is the only kind of artificial intelligence. It is not thugh the study of artificial intelligence that we can solve vaous scientific pblems and pmote the dlopment of other sciences. Artificial intelligence is the best in my opinion.

Artificial intelligence science is waiting for human beings to explore its real connotation step by step.



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