
发布时间:2023-12-18 06:22:10 阅读:28 点赞:0

关于”写电子“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Wte electn。以下是关于写电子托福英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Wte electn

Dear yes, I am wting to tell you something about my tp in Beijing as a Chinese captain. Beijing has always been the most popular city in China, so and people want to go to Beijing. I think the best time to travel to Beijing is spng, becse the weather is very good at that time.

It is neither too hot nor too cold. The warm wind will make you feel happy. Many people come to Beijing becse of its betiful scenery and cultal hetage.

If you want to have a happy joney, I suggest you visit the Great Wall, the summer palace, the Olympic Park and many other places when you feel in a day's joney When you are tired, you can taste "Zhajiang noodles", a kind of traditional food in Beijing. In Beijing, you can do many other things, such as shopping in large shopping centers, visiting vaous parks and visiting "quadrangles". Therefore, Beijing is the second largest city in China, after Shanghai, and is an important transportation hub.

There are dozens of railways, highways and highways passing thugh the city, It is also the focus of many international flights. China is recoized as the political, educational and cultal center of the people's Republic of China, while Shanghai and Hong Kong dominate the economy. Love Beijing and its culte, people, TOEFL, faithfully.




Dear Tony, I'm Li Hua, a boy fm China, I'm a middle school student. I'm glad to see yo information on the Internet. I know you want to make an epal with a Chinese.

I want to be yo fend. I want to learn about Amecan culte. I'm good at English.

I think we can each other learn about Ameca and Ameca by sending e-mail China e-mail we can also chat in English or Chinese online. I like table tennis, singing, pop music, stamp collecting and leise travel. I hope you can come to China and visit many places of interest.

I look forward to yo reply to XXX as soon as possible.




Dear XXX, how are you doing? My work is still very busy, I would like to share with you my schedule for Fday. Tomorw is Fday. I have fo classes in the morning and others in the afternoon.

Can you share yo schedule with me? I look forward to yo reply, XXX.



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