
发布时间:2022-11-14 01:56:40 阅读:122 点赞:0

关于”买词典“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Buy a dictionary。以下是关于买词典高三英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Buy a dictionary

If you want to buy a comr, you'd better think about it first. If you need a comr to work on a pfessional pgram, such as drawing a pject, pcessing photos, or wting a comr pgram, you'd better first consider what functions the comr needs (do you want to use it for work or just for entertainment), you have to consider buying a comr that can pcess data quickly, so it doesn't If you only want to use it for personal pposes, such as sfing the Internet, watching movies, listening to music, it should be much r. You also need to consider the pce and brand (if a comr is very attractive to you, how much do you plan to spend on a comr, you will spend money) or you may have heard about many brands, quality, pce and after-sales Make se these are the factors you need to consider before you make a final decision.

It's also a good idea to ask fends who have expeence in buying or using comrs.




It's called toothbrush. It's made of nylon. It's made in Shanghai.

You can use it to brush yo teeth ice a day. You can only use it for a few months. After that, you should buy a new one.

Please have the correct habit of brushing yo teeth. This is called toothbrush. It's made of nylon.

Is this the ogin of Shanghai? It's used to brush yo teeth. You can use it ice a day for three months There must be a pper way to brush yo teeth.




Donkey, birdbrain, fool, fool, fool, fool, fool, fool, fool, fool, fool, fool, fool, fool, fool, pea brain, pig, needle, retarded, schmiller, fool, fool, fool, fool, fool, fool, fool, fool, fool, fool, fool, fool, fool, fool, fool, fool, fool, fool, fool, Tkey.



标签: 女生英文名  女孩英文名  小女孩英文名  宠物英文名 

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