
发布时间:2023-05-15 14:45:38 阅读:114 点赞:0

关于”最温暖词“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:The warmest word。以下是关于最温暖词高考英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The warmest word

Howr, when a lovely young woman opens the door instead of eating, he loses his coage. He asked for a glass of water. She thought he looked gry, so she bught him a large glass of milk.

He drank it slowly. Then he asked, "how much do I owe you? You don't owe me anything." she replied that my mother tght me nr to accept payment for the kindness he said. Then when howard kelly left the house, I sincerely thank you.

He not only felt stnger, but it was A few years later, the young woman was seously ill, and the local doctors were puzzled. They ntually sent her to the big city, where experts could be invited to study her rare disease, Dr. howard kelly.

When he heard the name of the town she came fm, a strange light filled his eyes. He stood up and walked thugh the doctor In the hospital hall, she put on the doctor's be and walked into her om. He went in to see her.

He recoized her at once. He retned to the consultation om, determined to try his best to save her life fm that day on. After a long struggle, he paid special attention to her situation.

After the victory of the war, Dr. Kelly asked the commerce department to submit the final bill to him for appval. He looked at it and wte something on the side of the bill that was delivered to the om.

She was afraid to open the bill becse she was se that she would ntually spend the rest of her life paying off the bill. The note on the side of the bill cght her attention. When she read these words, she held a glass of milk (siate) in her hand.

Dr. howard kelly wept with joy and prayed in silence: Thank you, God, yo love has spread thugh human hearts and hands.






I am not yo excellent student, but in this special day, you are the most respectable teacher in my eyes. I would like to express my heartfelt respect to you. There is no formula to calculate yo dedication.

There is no poem or song to express o heartfelt thanks to you. It is you who have cultivated o hearts with yo erudite and noble spit. In this special moment, please accept o best wishes.

Time flies and time goes by. Only o fendship is forr in my heart. Take care of my fends.

My fends. Oh, my fends. Do you like stars? If you feel lonely far away fm home, look up at the stars in the sky, where I give you the lucky star; life is a pfound book, other people's notes can not replace yo own understanding, I hope you find to new things in life.

Don't be disappointed in the joney of life. There are fends in the world who seize yo opportunity and chesh yo opportunity. Maybe o fendship is Eternal time will not dilute the wine distance of fendship.

O hands are eager for you to be happy forr. I have three wishes: May o fendship warm and the joy in o hearts always accompany you and me. We often meet each other:.




My habits I have some habits, some are good, but some are not. I like reading science books very much. I get a lot of knowledge fm reading novels.

I am addicted to stoes about sports that I like to do, which also s me keep healthy. I nr put today's work in tomorw. They are my good habits and they me a lot in my daily life.

Howr, I also have some bad habits. For example, sometimes I do my homework very slowly, I stay up late when I eat. I like to eat meat instead of vegetables.

Sometimes I play comr s for too long and it is not fun. They are harmful to my health. Fm now on, I will try to keep my good habits and give up bad habits, so that I can live better.



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