
发布时间:2023-12-06 01:36:23 阅读:345 点赞:0

关于”教外国人学“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Teach foreiers to learn。以下是关于教外国人学初三英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Teach foreiers to learn

A foreier wants to learn Chinese, so he asks Li Hua for . He goes to Li Hua's house fm 3:00 to 5:00 ry Tuesday afternoon. What he wants to learn is the daily language, Chinese songs and some things about Chinese festivals.

Li Hua is very happy to him becse ding this peod, she can learn English fm him, so they start to each other after a peod of time, when they get a lot fm each other They were very happy that the foreier had a good understanding of Chinese festivals and could speak a little Chinese. Li Hua impved her English.




Learning Chinese is just like learning other languages. It's hard work. So if foreiers want to learn Chinese well, they'd better spend a lot of time on it ry day and take ry opportunity to practice using Chinese.

If they have a Chinese class, they should listen to the teacher carefully, review what they have learned, prepare lessons carefully before class, do homework carefully, copy sentences and recite them. If they can, they'd better listen to Chinese pgrams and read Chinese magazines and books. I beli that if they study hard and have good learning methods, they will learn well.




Everyone has their own hobbies, some like singing, some like dancing, some like reading, some like drawing, but my hobby is playing chess at the beginning, I can't play basic movements, my mother patiently teaches me to learn a little bit ry day, I'm very pud to play with my father, but I didn't win again. I'm afraid of arce and rashness, and I also study and study hard Beat my dad and win a .



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