
发布时间:2023-07-15 03:16:11 阅读:69 点赞:0

关于”写地球怎么说“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:What do you say about the earth。以下是关于写地球怎么说中考英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:What do you say about the earth

Earth we live on the earth. For example, the earth is a big sphere of water, air and land that we live on the earth. The earth goes nd the sun once a year.

The earth revolves nd its axis. The sea is wide and the sky is wide. She scatters seeds on the gund and retns to the earth.

When she finds out that she is mared, she retns to the earth. There is no force on earth that can stop the pgress of society. What is there on earth Where is the matter on the West earth on earth? Who can he be? The TV on earth is yo TV set.

He gunded the se.




The earth is o fend in the past, o home is very betiful, the air is very fresh, emerald, fish habitat can be seen rywhere, but in the 21st centy today, the gate has been o today, the past peaceful betiful blue planet has destyed : water pollution, the main vers of vers have ded up, some water has become the "Black Sea" and "ink pot" empty Since the invention of plastic, human things, in order to facilitate the supply of human beings, fly like the devil like wild mountains, factoes and farms have ted in vain to swallow up the whole world, a thoughtful case, and escape fm action I sincerely suggest that you should start with yo family, put yo garbage in separate bags, use less or no phosphate washing powder, green refgerator and air conditioner, and leave blue sky, blue water, green and red color for o children and grandchildren, so as to let the all animals retn to their homes and make o homes become A shining "Pearl" in the universe, fends and fends all over the world, you should wake up fm it, no matter what gup you are, tightly hold yo warm hand, cang hand, envinmental ptection hand, put it in o home, the earth.




Where are you fm? Where are you fm? Where are you fm? Where are you fm? No matter where you come fm, no matter who you are, we belong to a family. You want to know where you come fm, yo parents, who yo ancestors are, where you come fm. Janet yes, madam, please stand up and say yo name, and where you come fm, it doesn't matter where you come fm, but where you're going, Roger, where you're fm, Roger, iore Where are you fm.



标签: 职场英文名  女孩英文名  小女孩英文名  宠物英文名 

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