
发布时间:2023-03-07 12:32:35 阅读:75 点赞:0

关于”国学重要地位“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:The important position of Sinolo。以下是关于国学重要地位xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The important position of Sinolo

The plates of southeast and northwest England are mostly low, which are plain vers. The Thames River is the largest ver in China. Influenced by the west wind and the sea, the mild and humid climate is suitable for plant gwth.

Although the Btish climate is mild, the weather is changeable, and it will rain.




Women are powerless in the modern society. Women are playing an increasingly important le in modern society. Today, in many countes, and women act as workers, farmers, scientists and n leaders.

We can say that almost all the work that men can do is succesully completed by women. Women are no longer looked down upon. With the change of social les, women's status in the family has become and important It has been impved and the status of huand and wife in the family has been equal.

In today's family, women work together to deal with the pblems of daily life and share happiness with each other. In spite of these changes in women's liberation, women are not usually busy eating, and they do not fully realize that some men are self-centered and regard women as incompetent. Few women are allowed to participate in important international conferences dominated by men.

This is indeed a pblem that we should solve immediately.




Women are playing an increasingly important le in society. In many countes today, and women are working as workers, farmers, scientists and n leaders. We can say that almost all the work that men can do is done by women.

With the change of social le, women are no longer looked down upon by the society, women's status in the family has impved, huand and wife together to deal with the pblems of daily life in the family has become equal, in today's family, women are usually not those busy eating, despite these changes, women's liberation has not been fully realized, many men are self-centered In a country that regards women as incompetent, few women are allowed to participate in important international conferences dominated by men. This is a pblem that we should solve immediately.



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