
发布时间:2022-12-24 01:48:02 阅读:106 点赞:0

关于”反对过洋节“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Against the forei festival。以下是关于反对过洋节高一英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Against the forei festival

The Olympic Games pvide an equal competition stage for athletes. The slo is to psue higher, stnger and faster. No matter what color the athletes are, they should be respected.

Without racial discmination, white, yellow and black can find their own positions. In history, black people were slaves, but ryone was born equal. Today, racists still exist.

The encoaging news is that most people are aware of the equality of human ghts. They respect each other. The most popular little girl in the world, David Beckham's dghter, has been photographed by the media, holding a different doll.

The doll is black skin, No Hair, this is a special kind of doll education for children. Black people are their fends. The public highly praised Davids' education becse he instilled the idea of equality into the little girl in a special way.

We are happy to see that all people are treated the same way and ryone should be given equal ghts.




Now and students always spend a lot of time playing comr s. Some people can n play comr s fm morning to night. How terble it is to play too many comr s will have adverse effects in many aspects.

On the one hand, if students often play comr s, their academic performance will not be very good, becse they always think about the things in the comr s, but not It's knowledge fm books. Sitting in fnt of the comr for a long time will cse back pain and headache. Comr radiation will also ht o eyes and brain.

Many students are deeply attracted by some interesting comr s, so that they seldom communicate with their family and fends. This will lead to psychological pblems. Last but not least, some students prefer to fight s becse they are in the present Violence is likely to happen in real life, that is, those who play violent s often may commit cmes.

Therefore, it is easier for teachers and parents to work together to prnt children fm playing comr s day and night.




I stngly oppose this immoral political attitude. I totally disagree, disagree, oppose, oppose, oppose, oppose, oppose, oppose, oppose, oppose, oppose, oppose, oppose, oppose, oppose, oppose, oppose, oppose, oppose, oppose, oppose, oppose, oppose, oppose, oppose, oppose, oppose, oppose, oppose, oppose, oppose, oppose, oppose, oppose, oppose, oppose, oppose, oppose, oppose, oppose, oppose, oppose, oppose, oppose, oppose, oppose, oppose, oppose, oppose, Against, against, against, against, against, against, against, agree with, disagree with.



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