
发布时间:2023-05-09 11:20:15 阅读:98 点赞:0

关于”画发展“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Dlopment of painting。以下是关于画发展专八英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Dlopment of painting

Pspety of education 5: in this part of the guide, you can wte a composition about this topic in a few minutes. You should wte no less than words. Yo composition should be based on the following Chinese syllabus.

Every Tuesday and Fday night, I will see Miss Li. My neighbor and the Secretary of a company rush home after a hard day's work and gobble up the food After having a meal, I rushed to catch the bus to have English class. Miss Li's situation is not uncommon.

Now and ban s use their leise time to impve themselves in school or university. There are many reasons for people to go back to education. People like Miss Li do so in order to get another degree or Diploma in order to impress the society.

More knowledge, or specifically, certificates means opportunities for better jobs and faster pmotions. Other people, especially those laid-off or unemployed, go to vocational schools to prepare to retn to the job . They are eager for new skills so that they can be competent for retail mament education and other jobs, becse most of them are blue collar workers in factoes, and some take coses such as Chinese painting, calligraphy and photography.

With fewer working weeks, people begin to have time to realize their dreams People retn to school for a common ppose, either in need or out of interest.





First of all, I think China's economy is dloping very fast. Today's people's quality is much better than before. People's living standards have been fther impved.

O country is much stnger than before. We know that all this is becse of the rapid economic dlopment. Other countes in the world understand China and , which means that China's influence in the world is gwing, which is mainly due to the economy Economic dlopment, let us wish o country good luck forr.




You can wte a composition about the dlopment of pvate cars in 30 minutes. You should wte no less than words and based on the Chinese syllabus below. With the impvement of overall living standards, some ordinary Chinese families have begun to afford cars.

Their views on the dlopment of pvate cars vary fm person to person. Some people claim that owning a car has many advantages. It can give people greater comfort and mobility.

The owner of a car is no longer forced to rely on public transport and buses or taxis. He can go where he wants to go You can enjoy his leise time by traveling to the countryside or the seaside on weekends, instead of being confined to yo neighbors. Howr, other people stngly oppose the dlopment of pvate cars.

They insist that with and cars being pduced and running on the streets, a large amount of toxic gases will be released and the envinment will be polluted. In fact, pvate cars have csed great harm to people's health, so that people's advantages in comfort and are often offset by the setbacks csed by traffic jams, Whether pvate cars should be dloped in China is a difficult question to answer. The comfort and independence bught by pvate cars will not be excluded fm the parking lot.




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