
发布时间:2023-06-12 10:11:10 阅读:82 点赞:0

关于”感谢别人信任“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Thank others for their trust。以下是关于感谢别人信任托福英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Thank others for their trust

Trust beeen fends is very important to us. Everyone has his own fends. We share sadness and happiness with o fends.

We make new fends fm time to time, but it is difficult to find true fends. Trust beeen fends is difficult to establish. If trust exists, trust beeen fends is very difficult to establish.

Fends can say anything. They are willing to show who they are in fnt of In the face of fends, if trust really exists, fendship is not really deep. When there are difficulties, people will ask you that true fendship is based on trust.

My best fend will nr ask me to do anything. On the contrary, she cares about me and comforts me when I am sad. That is the true fend.




Some of the grea success stoes in history are words of encoagement fm a loved one or a trusted fend or something done by a trusted fend. Without a confident wife Sophia, we might not have included Nathaniel Hawthorne as a literary celebty, while Nathaniel, a sad man, went home to tell his wife that he was "Now," she said tumphantly, "you can wte yo book." yes, "the man replied with low confidence," what should we do while I wte? " To his spse, she opened a drawer and pulled out a large sum of money, "where the hell did you get it fm?" He exclaimed, "I always knew you were a genius," she told him, "I knew you would wte a piece one day, so ry week fm the money you gave me to do housework, I saved a little money so that we could last a whole year." Fm her trust and confidence, the scarlet letter, one of the grea novels in Amecan literate, came out.




How to strenen the mutual trust in o society, the influence of the lack of mutual trust beeen people on social dlopment has hindered the dlopment of society and morality, and bught a sees of social pblems, which affected the long-term stability of society. In fact, the main reason for the distrust among people is: distrust beeen people, some dishonest behaviors enhance people's mutual trust Mutual trust is very . We need the integty, tolerance and understanding of others.



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