
发布时间:2023-04-20 13:15:03 阅读:85 点赞:0

关于”以我房间为主题“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Take my om as the theme。以下是关于以我房间为主题初中英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Take my om as the theme

Junior high school students' life seems to have changed fm a childhood life to a half life. More extra training and homework have filled the spare time after class. Comic books and weekends seem to be gone.

Everything is for the college entrance examination. Junior high school students are young people. Like you, like me, we need real life expeence.

It's time to cultivate personal hobbies, such as Painting, hiking and other activities people appreciate life rather than endless academic books.




I love my class bee I am a member of her. She is the cradle of my gwth. She makes me have countless partners.

I love my class bee she bngs me infinite warmth. She is my warm home. She makes me realize the sweetness of my love for my class.

She bngs me the hope of success. She is the country where I work hard. She makes me taste the harvest After the bitter, I love my class, bee she gives me unlimited happiness, she is my gwth paradise, she let me enjoy the glory of the sun).




China is one of the oldest civilizations in the world, with a history of recent years. Anthpologists discovered the earliest pmitive human "Yuanmou Man" in Yuanmou City, Yunnan Pvince. The "beijingren" who lived in this area about a million years ago lived in Zhoukoudian.

In the southwest of modern Beijing, they have the basic charactesti of Homo sapiens. Peking people walk upght and are easy to make and use In the first centy , China's first dynasty, that is, after the Xia Dynasty, was established. In the Shang centy and the Western Zhou Dynasty, the slave society dloped fther.

This peod was followed by the spng and Autumn peod and the Warng States peod (C marked the transition fm a slave society to a feudal society). Many years ago, China became one of the countes with the earliest dlopment of economic activities. In the Yellow River Valley, the Shang Dynasty be farming and livestock raising (people learned how to elt bnze and use in ware many years ago), pduced white pottery and glazed pottery, and dloped silk pduction The earliest pattern inlaid silk weaving technolo in the world was used in the spng and Autumn peod (the steel pduction technolo in C B.C.

appeared in the Warng States peod (the blliant achiment of Li Bing and his son directing the construction of Dujiang dam near Chengdu, Sichuan Pvince in C ). Water conservancy makes it possible to rationalize irgation, flood diversion and sediment discharge, and still plays an important le in this respect Dung the spng and Autumn peod and the Warng States peod, philosophy and other disciplines floushed unprecedentedly. Representatives of vaous schools of thought vied with each other in wting books, discussing politi, and yzing society, resulting in the situation of "a dred schools of thought contending" among Laozi, Conius, Mozi and Sun Tzu.



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