
发布时间:2023-06-03 03:33:45 阅读:1154 点赞:0

关于”全球变暖原因及措施“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Cses and meases of global warming。以下是关于全球变暖原因及措施xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Cses and meases of global warming

Global warming is a natal phenomenon, becse people bn fossil fuels such as oil, coal, or deforestation, a large number of carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases will be pduced. These greenhouse gases have high permeability to the solar visible light radiation, while the long wave radiation fm the earth has stng absorption, which can stngly absorb the infrared radiation on the gund, leading to the se of the earth's temperate The global warming will cse global precipitation distbution, glacier and fzen soil melting, and sea ll se. It will not only endanger the balance of natal eco, but also threaten the svival of human beings On the one hand, due to the emission of greenhouse gases on land and the all temperate difference beeen air temperate and ocean, the air flow speed is almost slowed down, and the haze is blown away in a short time, resulting in the increase of haze weather in many parts of the city, affecting human health, vehicle limit line, haze and other climate warming meases can only fundamentally alleviate the short-term impact of climate change such as haze.




A large amount of ener consumption, so that carbon dioxide emissions with the gwth of the population, csing damage to forests, grasslands and other ecos, reducing consumption of carbon dioxide, the oxygen concentration in the atmosphere, the destruction of the balance of carbon dioxide cycle, these are the cses of global warming.




Global warming is one of the most seous pblems in fnt of the world. There are many reasons for this pblem: first, people cut down trees and forests at will; in addition, people bn things rywhere without permission; people waste things uncontllably, which is another reason. We should try o best to save them.

We should encoage others to do so. If we do, the stage will be better if we don't take any meases What action, becse the war is getting warmer and warmer and the water ll is sing, it will cse subsidence and threaten people's activities.



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