
发布时间:2023-12-27 14:09:42 阅读:31 点赞:0

关于”抄版“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Copied version。以下是关于抄版专八英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Copied version

Dant gained contl of Buick Motor Company in, and regained its power thugh Buick. This is one of the fo leading tomobile companies. Dant has foresight on the unlimited possibilities of tomobiles, especially medium-sized vehicles, and tes to use these possibilities to establish a large-scale enterpse based on mass pduction.

He hoped that his company would have sufficient funds to sell all kinds of cars and pduce many of its own parts, becse Henry Ford wanted to pay in cash, so after the faile of his attempt to buy Ford Motor Company in, Dant set up general motors the second year after he started working with Buick and added Cadillac, ozmobil, Auckland (Pontiac and others aller) Dant, whose company was over expanded, needed the intervention of the Bank Consortium to reduce the de bden. Dant retned to the to business. With the support of the DuPont family, Chevlet Motor regained contl of .

General Motors is one of the largest industal enterpses in the United States. Howr, Dant seldom exercises his power and contls the business of General Motors too decentralized. As a result, Dant overreacted in the stock when the panic bke out.

He ted to support the pce of shares, but failed. In, he was forced out of the company by the DuPont family in, and he founded D Urant motors, which failed to become a major car manufacter After the great depression, Dant's bankruptcy company was dissolved. Ding the rest of his life, he worked in vaous commercial enterpses, but failed to achi remarkable success.

He died in New York in March. He was a pioneer in the tomobile industry, and his most famous creation, general motors, has been since his first Some accidental ideas dominated the tomobile . For example, General Motors entered the refgerator manufacting industry and achid great success.

Howr, Dant has nr been succesul in orizational and manageal structe, enough for the giant enterpse he founded to tn into an immortal monument to his successor.


杜兰特于年获得别克汽车公司控制权,并通过别克重振雄风,这是四大领先汽车公司之一杜兰特对汽车无限可能有着远见卓识,尤其是中型车,并试图利用这些可能,建立一个基于批量生产大型企业。他希望他公司能有充足资金,各种汽车,并生产自己许多部件,因为亨利·福特想用支付,所以在年试图收购福特汽车公司失败后,杜兰特成立通用汽车公司第xx年,他开始与别克,并增加了凯迪拉克,奥兹莫比尔,奥克兰(庞蒂亚克和其他较小公司杜兰特过度扩张,而到了通用汽车需要银行财团介入,以减轻债务负担杜兰特回到汽车业务在雪佛兰汽车在杜邦家族支持下,他恢复了对通用汽车控制。通用汽车是最大工业企业之一,但杜兰特很少行使权力对通用汽车公司业务控制过于分散,以至于在恐慌发生时,杜兰特在股票市场上表现过度,他试图支撑通用汽车股票价格,但没有成,他于年被杜邦家族强行挤出公司,他创办了杜兰特汽车公司(Dant Motors),这家公司未能成为一家主要汽车生产商杜兰特汽车公司(Dant Motors)在车祸发生时就已经摇摇欲坠了大萧条之后,汽车销量急剧下降,导致杜兰特破产公司解散在他余下岁月里,他从事过各种各样商业企业,但没有取得显著成,他于xx月在纽约去世,他是汽车工业先驱,而他最著名创作,通用汽车,自从他一些偶然想法,就主导了汽车市场,例如,通用汽车公司进入冰箱制造业,取得了巨大成。



Campus safety has always been a topic of concern. Fire, campus violence, cminal attacks and trampling on stairs can lead to campus secity pblems. Therefore, we should impve o safety awareness, such as keeping order on the stairs.

In case of conflict, the school should orize emergency dlls regularly. We should keep calm. Outsiders are not allowed to visit the school without special permission.

Campus safety is so important that we should make efforts To a harmonious envinment for children, only taking prntive meases can ense the safety of the school. In addition, the public secity department should strenen the school safety inspection.




A lot of people complain about their situation. They think that life is bad and they can't do anything about it. But when we see that the disabled live a happy life and have made great achiments, we have nothing to complain about.

A disabled person without feet looks so miserable, but he learns basic skills and lives an ordinary life. His story inspires many people They think that what they are facing is not seous disabled people with stng will and invisible wings, which makes them succesul. Therefore, we should not complain, find all kinds of excuses and stve for o dream.

When people talk about the red css today, they shake their heads and distrust the orization. The reaction to the gup is that about fo years ago, when a girl was showing off her luxy in the public media, she told people that her father was a member of the Red Css and that and people knew her. They thought they had been cheated by the orization and that the money they donated was not used correctly.

This incident has had a great negative impact on the Red Css Society. People no longer trust it. They are not willing to donate money to me.

I will not donate money to orizations. I choose to donate money to people in need, so that the money will not be taken away by others. We must let this person get the real money http://wwwadrepcn/.




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