
发布时间:2024-03-20 06:34:09 阅读:22 点赞:0

关于”幻想中课堂“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Fantasy classom。以下是关于幻想中课堂xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Fantasy classom

With the dlopment of science and technolo, great changes have taken place in o life in the past 100 years. Many things that could not have happened before have become reality. Therefore, o life will also change in the fute, and o life rhythm will be greatly accelerated, bee we will many machines to complete o work, and many things can be completed by oselves.

Therefore, human beings are expected to many machines to complete o work We will have time to play, people can travel freely in outer , shuttle can take people to the planet far away fm the earth. In addition, o envinment will be much better than now, bee we have taken some effective meases to ptect the envinment, the earth is still the betiful home of human beings.




As a girl, I want to succeed in the fute. I beli that to be a succesul woman is ry girl's dream. In order to be a succesul woman, a girl should first try her best.

She should read good books. A person will get knowledge. Knowledge will a person succeed.

A girl should know that she has stren than a betiful one If she is not afraid of faile and dare to compete with others, she will become a truly succesul woman in the fute.




Hello, ryone. I am the inventor of the fute classom. There is a comr on ry desk in the fute classom.

This comr will not ht yo eyes. There is an e-book in the comr. As long as you are gry and thirsty, you just press a button and the desk drawer will open tomatically.

In a hambger and water, if you don't like it, you can change it, It gives you food and nuttion. If you are tired, you can click a button on the chair, and it will you massage the classom. Teachers in the fute are all bots.

They don't need battees, they don't need to be charged. They are their own power. They have many buttons.

Each button function: if there are too many students, they only need to press a button, and the classom can become larger. When it is teaching, it only needs to press one button To press a button, the comr will appear in the fute of the classom fresh air, which put a lot of pots, open the door in the morning, you can ell the fragrance of the fute classom has the charactesti of warm winter and cool summer, it can change with the change of the weather, it can adjust the temperate, ry day will switch to the apppate temperate, the fute classom is really amazing, you can come and have a look, maybe you will love Go to this fute classom.



标签: 女孩英文名  女宝宝英文名  宠物英文名  王者英文名 

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