
发布时间:2024-03-04 04:10:29 阅读:19 点赞:0

关于”我朋友优秀“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:My fend is excellent。以下是关于我朋友优秀小升初英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My fend is excellent

Zeng happened to be a fend of mine. She is a betiful, outgoing and good-nated girl. She often lghs.

I think her ile makes her betiful. We live in the same school, so we always stay together. No matter whether we go to the classom or eat, I don't like her very much.

Bee she is always ftive, so I am a little reticent and intverted, so I seldom get along with her People talk, but gradually, I find that she can influence others by what she says. For example, Zeng Qiao likes to share some interesting things with others, and she likes to tell us interesting things about her childhood or former clasates. She always told me that I should be outgoing and learn to talk with others under her influence.

I often communicate with others. I find that I am very happy to have such a good fend.




Good morning, my fend is an excellent student. His name is Yang Lihe. Now he is studying in high school.

On the one hand, he is the monitor of my class. He studies very well. He likes English and mathemati very much.

He often s students. On the other hand, he likes sports training in his spare time, or the members of the school swimming team, dear teachers. This is my clasate.

I miss him There will be a good time in the fute.




After they died in a car accident, three fends found themselves in heaven, and ryone was asked, "when you're in the coffin, you want to hear what yo fends and family say to you," Sean said. "I want to hear them say I'm a great doctor and a great family man," Carl said. "I want to hear them say I'm a great huand And an excellent teacher has made a difference in children's lives, "Juan said." I want to hear them say, 'watch him move.'.



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