关于英语演讲比赛的英语作文_speech contest 2篇

发布时间:2022-06-17 06:08:14 阅读:128 点赞:0

关于”演讲比赛“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:speech con。以下是关于演讲比赛专业英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:speech con

I am very pud to stand here and win the pze fm this speech con. I really learned a lot. I understand the true meaning of the pverb "get without work", becse I have paid a lot for the competition.

I want to thank my parents for giving my children, my teachers for the opportunities they gave me, and for the support of my fends. Thank you all.




All the other monkeys followed him. One by one, they went down to the moon in the well. Just before they got to the moon, the biggest monkey raised his head and happened to see the moon in the sky.

He exclaimed excitedly, "don't be silly. The moon is still hanging in the sky." this is the end of the story. Do you like it Hope ryone can remember me, Wang Qihang, a happy person like sun welcome you to visit my blog thank you very much.


所有其他猴子都跟着他样子,他们一个接一个下到井里月亮上;就在他们到达月球之前,最大猴子抬起头,碰巧看到了天上月亮,他兴奋地大喊别傻了月亮还在天上 故事到此结束了 你喜欢吗 希望大家都能记得我,王启航,一个像阳光一样快乐人 欢迎您访问我博客 非常感谢。


I am an intverted freshman in nsing department, but sometimes I am also cheerful and easygoing. I want to take part in some activities in person to impve students' communication ability and communication ability. The most important thing is: I like English very much.

There was an English con in my school that I missed becse I didn't have confidence. I regret that I didn't give myself a chance.



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