英语作文信的格式_letter 5篇

发布时间:2022-06-20 04:59:37 阅读:182 点赞:0



Dear Amy I am XXI, I am wting this letter to thank you for wting me a letter. I am learning English now, but I am not a good learner. It is difficult for me to impve my English ll.

So if you have the ability to learn English well, please let me know. I will thank you very much for yo ,.


亲爱AmyI am xxI写这封信是为了感谢你给我写了一封信我现在正在学习英语,但我不是一个好学习者,我很难提高我英语水平,所以如果你有能力学好英语,请告诉我我我将非常感谢你帮助真诚你,。


We climbed the mountain yesterday. The mountain is betiful. We stayed there all day.

Trees and flowers are good. We had a good time and had a picnic. Today is really an unforgettable and unpleasant day.

I do housework for my grandmother. She is not very well. I decided to do housework for her.

She will feel happy and happy. Suddenly, I suddenly thought of an idea: getting old is terble, becse you have to worry about yo health and other people's opinions again. I am determined to be a good girl.

It's sunny today, It's hot. I get up early at 6:30. I read English and have breakfast.

I my mother wash dishes, do homework and clean the om. I go shopping with my mother in the afternoon. I play table tennis with my fends in the ning.

I watch TV and read books. I really have a busy and interesting day. 4.

I had a meaningful and colorful day. In the afternoon, I did some homework Last week, I went shopping with my mother. I watched a very interesting movie.

5. I had a good time on Sunday morning last weekend. I stayed at home and did my homework.

Homework was not difficult. I was tired playing volleyball with my fends, but I was very excited in the afternoon. It was a little difficult for me to cook dinner for my parents.

I thought after dinner, I went swimming in the ver. I could swim well. I had a relaxed week end.





A letter of fendship, Maple Street, Dallas, Texas dear Ruth, why don't you wte? Of cose, you are busy with the school closing, but please take a moment to asse me that you will be on my birthday. You have a long-term invitation to all my birthday celebrations, in order to warn you not to miss this one mother who said that you must stay at least o weeks and obey her. Don't forget yo tennis racket.

The cot is better than r this spng. Don't announce to ted that it's "better than perfect" becse they've already made it perfect. By the way, Ted's poor this year, so you'd better practice: he's playing the wreath nd me.

Please wte to me immediately and tell me when to stop the family bus at the station where I have to run now, or I will be late for English class. Yo fend, Betty maple hsto of Texas, dear Bates, unfortunately, business has delayed my reply to yo letter. Yo note made me feel guilty, and I stopped in a frantic hry and said: next Satday at 5:30 p.m., the bus will stop at yo station.

Tell yo mom that I may not be completely "obedient," but I'll make her happy to get d of MIA for Ted, for example, I'm walking practice, but don't be afraid I'm five minutes late, but I'll let the Commi see you on Satday.




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