关于音乐节的英语作文_Music Festival 4篇

发布时间:2022-06-25 02:56:04 阅读:1720 点赞:0

关于”音乐节“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Music Festival。以下是关于音乐节雅思英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Music Festival

Once upon a time, there was a girl named Susie. One day, the little girl was learning to play the piano. One day, Susie came home fm her piano lesson.

She heard a betiful voice in the forest. Then she stopped and saw a dog come out of the forest. It was not an ordinary dog.

It walked with its o hind legs. She was dressed in clothes and hat. Suzikui was scared by this strange dog.

Then the dog be to sing. Susie be to run home and chase the dog After that day, Susie and the dog became best fends. The ending story is: Sarah, age, Ameca, playing the piano, normal hind leg shock catch up with her.




I heard that the school will hold a music festival. I love music and would like to learn about it thugh this festival. There are many students who love music.

If you have the chance to let me participate in this music festival, I want to make fends with them.




Unforgettable music festival music is the voice of the soul, fm the soul, yesterday for the soul, the music festival held in o school hall left a deep impression on me, I still remember the scene of the music festival clearly, in o soul dinner, some students sang some "red songs" to praise the great communist of China, o happy life showed the charm of pop songs When the students played some modern music with traditional Chinese instruments such as pipa, guzheng and flute, all the dience were excited. They cheered and applded for all the precious things in the world, including human suffeng and labor. This unforgettable music festival is no exception.

O school music and art teachers, o school music It took the geniuses a few weeks to prepare, and it was their hard work and hard work that ensed the success of the festival. This festival is not only a musical feast, but also a reminder of the importance of working hard to succeed.



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