
发布时间:2022-10-24 05:47:20 阅读:132 点赞:0

关于”写最“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Wte best fend。以下是关于写最小学英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Wte best fend

A fend is a person who can make you feel warm when you are depressed, so I have many fends. But Tom is my best fend. He is as old as I am.

He is taller than me. Basketball is his favote sport. We are in the same class.

He is good at learning. So he studies very well. If I am in tuble, he will me.

If I am in tuble, I will him I hope o fendship will last forr.




If Tom meets me, he will each other very much. So if he and I have a lot of tuble in learning basketball, he and I will each other better I hope o fendship will last forr. My fends are all boys.

He's tall and handsome. He likes singing, dancing and a lot of sports. He has a sister and a bther.

He always plays football with his clasates. They always have a good time. He is also very ful and polite.

My fend, I have many good fends. Lily is the best one we played together when we were young. She is a very betiful girl.

When people see her, they always pat her little head and say, "Oh, how lovely." lily is also very brave. I remember one night o weeks ago, my mother asked me to go downstairs to buy some salt and sugar. When I went back to the dark stairs, I suddenly saw a shadow behind me.

It was a that scared me to shout "God". Lily came, She yells at the shadow until it disappears, and then we run home safely, maybe you've got it, yes, lily is my dog, my best fend, I love her.






My best fend my best fend is very betiful. She has long, thin hair. She doesn't like other girls.

She likes to wear jeans. I nr watch her wear skirts and high heels. We know that when we were in high school, we all liked to go to the movies and listen to music.

When we had time, we went shopping together. That was my best fend.



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