关于城市的英语作文_city 3篇

发布时间:2022-06-13 15:50:47 阅读:168 点赞:0



Let me intduce one of the most attractive venues in the fute tp of Shanghai World Expo. The theme is "dream leads the fute of human city". It takes seal as the visual symbol.

You can see many mane animals and strange things. The tense envinment gives us a dreamlike feeling. We can imagine o fute life, we will live in harmony with nate The use of unique or high-tech equipment makes o daily life convenient.




As we all know, there are many differences beeen China and any forei city. I think it is very beneficial for us to understand it first. It will us dlop a s-cultal perspective.

In addition, we will learn forei languages better, which will us open o minds.




Bghton is the healthiest city in the UK, with the highest ll of personal trainers, yoga clubs and health food stores, according to a svey released on Fday. The study, which sveyed a range of health, fitness and envinmental statisti, said resorts in the south of the UK had the largest number of people, which was called sky travel The svey shows that the health status of residents in Bstol and London is second only to Bstol and London. Liverpool, Glasgow and Sheffield are the most unhealthy cities.

The average life span of residents in Bghton is years, which is one year higher than the average ll. In the sample cities, the possibility of walking or cycling to work is the national average The number of health food stores per capita at the resort has increased by nearly a third, the number of personal trainers has doubled and a half times that of other sample cities, and the ll of obese residents is lower than the national average. Last year, a svey found that Bghton residents have the best cholestel and blood presse lls in the UK.


英国“最健康”城市布莱顿周五公布一项调查显示,布莱顿是英国最健康城市,拥有最高水平私人教练、瑜伽俱乐部和健康食品商店。该研究调查了一系列涵盖健康、健身和环境统计数据,称英国南部度假胜地人数最多这项为天空旅游频道(Sky Travel channel)进行调查显示,英国布里斯托尔和伦敦居民健康状况仅次于英国布里斯托尔和伦敦,利物浦、格拉斯哥和谢菲尔德是最不健康城市,布莱顿居民平均寿命为年,比平均水平高出xx年在样城市中,他们步行或骑自行车上班可能是全国平均水平两倍,该度假村人均健康食品商店数量增加了近三分之一,私人教练数量是其他样城市两倍半,而肥胖居民水平低于全国平均去年一项调查发现布莱顿居民胆固醇和血压水平是英国最好。

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