
发布时间:2024-04-10 08:41:05 阅读:3 点赞:0

关于”写人三百字“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Three dred words for people。以下是关于写人三百字高一英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Three dred words for people

Every one of us has his own story. Now I just remember June 1 last year for the gwth of my story. Becse I was rated as "three good students", the school gave me a black cartoon pencil box.

In fact, I didn't like this kind of copywting. On the way home, my mother and I were arguing to change. At that time, I totally iored the explanation and advice of my mother and nt He threw it on the street angly and retned home.

His mother called me to him and said to me calmly, "son, you are not only now. Remember, no matter what other people give you as gifts or pzes, you should chesh them. Not all things in the world can't be paid back, including feelings" and honor ".

Up to now, I will always remember this sentence, that harsh life expeence Again and again, again and again, destined to gw up in my deep footpnts.




English is very important to us. Everyone wants to learn my English well. How can I learn English first? I listen to the teacher carefully in class and take notes carefully.

I review my old lessons and prepare for new lessons after class. Second, I like to speak English with my clasates, not only in the classom, but also on the playgund to impve my oral English. Third, I keep a diary ry day In addition, in order to ench my understanding of English culte, I often read English newspapers or magazines.

I know it's hard to learn English. My English is very good. I learn English like this.

I listen to the teacher carefully and wte down the main points in my notebook after class. Before class, I review my lessons, prepare for new lessons, listen to the tape carefully in class, and speak English with my clasates in the classom and on the playgund in order to impve my listening and speaking ability. I keep a diary ry day to practice my wtten English.

I often read English newspapers and magazines to ench my understanding of English culte. As long as we study hard, we will learn English well.





Water is very important to us. At home, water is rywhere. At work, we use water to wash clothes, wash dishes, cook, wash cars, take a bath, cook, brush teeth, and so on.

People use water to put out fires, gw vegetables, make things in factoes, and so on. We dnk water ry day. We can't live.

It's important for us not to have water, isn't it.



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