
发布时间:2023-11-22 13:01:57 阅读:71 点赞:0

关于”介绍自己卧室“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Intduce yo bedom。以下是关于介绍自己卧室初三英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Intduce yo bedom

I have a lovely bedom. I have a bed in my bedom. There is a table beside my bed.

There is a pink doll on my bed. I sleep with it ry night. There is a big window in the bedom.

Every night, there is a yellow light on my desk. I do my homework under the light. There is a big bookshelf in my bedom.

There are many books on the bookshelf. I like reading you very much You can borw these books fm me if you like my bedom. I like it.




I have a lovely bedom. I have a bed in my bedom. There is a table beside my bed.

There is a pink doll on my bed. I sleep with it ry night. There is a big window in the bedom.

Every night, there is a yellow light on my desk. I do my homework under the light. There is a big bookshelf in my bedom.

There are many books on the bookshelf. I like reading you very much You can borw these books fm me. If you like my bedom, it's so betiful.

I like it.




My bedom. I have a big bedom. Welcome to my bedom.

As soon as you walk into my bedom, you can see the picte of my bedom. It's very betiful when you tn ght. You can see a bed for o, only I sleep in its bwn place, which makes me sleep well.

So I sleep in my bookcase ry day. It's blue by my bed. I like blue very much A lot of books and books are very interesting.

There is a piano in the corner of my bedom. It's very expensive and very good. I can play the piano.

Well, if I'm too tired to study, I can play the piano. The desk is beside my piano. My piano has blue teeth.

There is a book and other things on it. There is a closet on the door. It is pink.

This is a big r. My clothes are all in it. I like my bedom I think you like my bedom.

My bedom is very good. I like it. It's a all world for me.

When you are in my bedom, first of all, you can see my big and betiful bookcase. Its orange and my books are in it. I spent my pocket money to buy some other books that my parents bought for me.

They are very interesting and betiful. My desk has a doll on the desk beside the bookcase It's lovely. A fend gave it to me on my birthday.

My bed is next to the bookcase. It's big and comfortable. I also have a wardbe.

It's in my bedom. My wardbe is a big bwn r. All my clothes are in the closet.

I like my bedom. It makes me relax.



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