
发布时间:2023-06-05 05:39:35 阅读:264 点赞:0

关于”传统求职方式“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Traditional job search methods。以下是关于传统求职方式专业英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Traditional job search methods

Recently, we often say that online shopping is better than shopping in stores. But is this really the case? There is no consensus on the idea that online shopping is better than traditional shopping. Some people think that online shopping will replace shopping mall shopping, and stores will disappear in the fute.

While others argue that shops can't disappear. It has its own advantages. Most people shop online becse it is very square So, there is no need to go out.

As long as they click the mouse, they can buy the goods they want. Online shopping is cheaper than physical stores, and buyers can save a lot of money. But n if coins have o sides, online shopping has advantages and disadvantages.

In recent years, we have seen a lot of news about online cheating. Many buyers complain about the poor quality of goods, which is different fm the descption, This kind of situation is very rare in traditional shopping stores, becse customers can communicate with sellers face-to-face, and buyers can also see the goods intuitively. Howr, the traditional shopping method is not as convenient as online shopping.

If people encounter traffic jam on the way to shopping, it will affect the happy mood of shopping. In conclusion, online shopping and traditional shopping have their own advantages and disadvantages and can coexist, In the near fute, online shopping will not replace traditional shopping.




(traditional teaching method) does yo teacher still use the traditional teaching method to teach you? In the past, we only took it for granted that the ppose of a teacher was to teach students rything he knew and to solve all their pblems. In this case, students could not judge things independently and gradually lost the ability of self-study. In addition, they only the knowledge tght them in the classom, and they will make the same judent on the pblems that will ase natally.

They will find that their knowledge is not enough to solve the practical pblems, so it is time to change the teaching method. The teacher's goal is not only to students dlop the ability of self-study, but also to cultivate students' independent judent skills in all aspects. Students don't have to tn to teachers for ding their study.

When they encounter difficulties, they should first cultivate their ability to correctly judge and overcome difficulties. The ppose of teaching is to liberate, not to bind, students' innate judent ability.





Traditional teaching method does yo teacher still use the traditional method to teach you? In the past, we only took it for granted that the teacher's ppose was to teach students rything he knew and solve all pblems for them. Therefore, students could not rely on their own judent. In this case, students gradually lost the ability of tonomous learning.

Moreover, they only ed the knowledge tght to them in the classom, and made the same decision on ry possible pblem They will find that their knowledge is not enough to solve practical pblems. Now is the time to change the teaching method. The goal of teachers is not only to students dlop the ability of self-study, but also to cultivate the ability of independent judent in all aspects.

Students do not have to ask for fm their teachers. When they encounter difficulties, they should first cultivate their ability to correctly judge and overcome difficulties. In a word, the ppose of teaching is to liberate, not to bind, students' innate judent ability.




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