
发布时间:2023-05-12 08:12:45 阅读:65 点赞:0

关于”简单文章“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Simple article。以下是关于简单文章初二英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Simple article

My favote is music. I like chatting with him very much. I like the color in music very much.

I like the girl with bght color. I think I like music and the world becse I am full of expectation and expectation for my fute. I beli I will become the leader of my dream.




My Narcissus hovered lonely like a cloud floating in the high valleys and hills. Suddenly I saw a gup of people, a gup of golden daffodils, dancing in the breeze by the lake, under the trees, and the stars shining on the Milky way. They kept stretching along the edge of the bay: ten I looked, thousands of people saw me tossing my head, dancing, beside The waves are dancing, but they are better than the sparkling waves in joy: -- a poet in such a happy partner, can not be unhappy, I gaze, but rarely think of -- how much wealth this performance has bught me, when I lie on the sofa doing nothing or meditating, they flash on the inner eyes, that It's lonely happiness, and then my heart is full of joy, dancing with William Wordsworth's daffodils.




My favote animal is ttle. Ttles don't walk fast, but I like ttles, becse ttles are lovely animals. They have a short tail and fo short feet.

They have a all head and a hard shell. They like to play in the water. When they are afraid of something, they will try to run fast.

They like to eat fish. They can catch fish first. They pretend to sleep.

They catch fish when they swim near their mouths If the fish is dead, they can eat fish in winter. When they sleep, they like to sleep in the sand. They don't eat any food, becse they begin to hibernate.

But when they are thirsty, they come out of the sand. We must give them water to dnk. Love tortoise and I hate Hawks, becse Eagles often eat ttles with their sharp mouths.



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