
发布时间:2023-04-27 14:42:36 阅读:80 点赞:0



Important le in o life: transportation bngs some pblems: conclusion We are well aware of the le of modern transportation in o life. Not long ago, people suffered great difficulties in carrying heavy goods fm one town to another for long-distance travel. Today, it takes hard work.

We enjoy the convenience of vaous means of transportation, including ships, planes, trains and cars. These means of transportation enable us to go wherr we want The places we go to have reduced o workload a lot; but modern means of transportation, together with convenience, have bught some pblems to the dvers on the ad. Traffic jams and traffic accidents are increasing, and tomobile exhst increases o air pollution, not to mention the extra noise csed by trucks and cars on the ad.

Like rything else, modern transportation has than one face in China, and we hope o government experts can solve these pblems. Scientists are committed to dloping modern fuels that pduce less pollution. Howr, we can all reduce air pollution csed by cars, dving only when necessary and using public transport when available.


在我们生活中重要作用: 交通运输带来了一些问题: 结论 我们很清楚现代交通在我们生活中作用不久前,人们为了长途旅行而忍受了巨大困难,把沉重货物从一个城镇运到另一个城镇,今天需要付出艰苦劳动,我们享受各种交通工具便利,包括船、飞机、火车和汽车,这些交通工具使我们可以去任何我们想去地方,使我们工作量减轻了许多;但是现代交通工具,加上便利,给路上司机带来了一些问题,交通堵塞和交通事故不断增加,汽车尾气增加了我们空气污染,更不用说卡车和汽车在路上造成额外噪音。与其他一切一样,现代交通在有着不止一张脸,我们希望我们专家能解决这些问题科学家们正致力于产生更少污染现代燃料。然而,我们都可以帮助减少汽车造成空气污染,只在必要时开车,在可用时使用公共交通工具。


Motorcycles and ban traffic nowadays, motorcycles are very popular nd us. Compared with bicycles and tomobiles, motorcycles have become an important means of transportation in Chinese cities. Motorcycles have their own advantages.

They are very flexible when they are in traffic jams. They can pass thugh cars on the street. The most important thing is that it doesn't consume too much gasoline.

It can carry another person in the back, but rything has o sides. The negative side is also obvious. To get qualified f to de a motorcycle, it is very complicated.

You have to go thugh a sees of pcedes. In addition, the maintenance cost of license plate is the most expensive, especially in big cities, which is a huge cost. In short, if the relevant departments simplify the pcedes and reduce the license fees, this will be beneficial and unfavorable, and motorcycles will be accepted by people.




Dvers: double decker bus, coach coach, bus taxi, taxi tlley bus, undergund tram, subway station, subway station taxi dver, taxi dver, conductor and ticket collector take the lowest fare (taxi) railway , railway neork, express train to stop train, slow train, short distance train, commuter train, subban train Sleeper carage, sleeper dining car, dining car, dining car, dining car, sleeper dining car, sleeping train downward luggage car, luggage car post station, station hall ticket office and ticket office conductor of railway station, guard platform platform, ticket self- waiting om, luggage office platform ticket selling terminal on the left side of platform bdge, train conductor, conductor, luggage rack, luggage in terminal station Check in the check-in om of the left luggage office) check in the change of time table, traner to the ticket inspector, Porter.



标签: 男孩子英文名  女孩英文名  宠物英文名  R开头英文名 

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