
发布时间:2024-03-17 07:02:30 阅读:198 点赞:0

关于”手机对生活中影响“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:The influence of mobile phone on life。以下是关于手机对生活中影响初中英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The influence of mobile phone on life

There are many pgrams on TV, which are very interesting. My favote is the animal world, becse I like animals very much. The most important thing is that the pgram is very good and attractive.

The host told some interesting stoes about the animal world. I can learn a lot of knowledge. I know the relationship beeen different kinds of animals and beeen animals and human beings.

The most siificant thing is that it gives me a sense of ptecting animals, and I think that's what this pgram is trying to say.




I am very pud, I am the Chinese nation day is coming to an end, my motherland is celebrating her birthday, I feel very excited and pud like other Chinese people, becse I am also a Chinese, in the long and difficult years, my motherland has expeenced a great and extraordinary peod, facing numeus difficulties, we d o country with o own hands, ten years Howr, under the correct leadership of the Communist and the efforts of the whole Chinese people, we Chinese people have overcome difficulties one by one. We are moving forward along the ght path. O motherland is the largest country in the world.

The Chinese people with an area of 10000 square kilometers have made great contbutions to the world China will become the most powerful country. I am pud to be a Chinese.




The Internet is a good resoce for any pject or learning pcess, including English. There are many ways to learn English by downloading sofare fm the Internet. These sofare can you translate English into another language you are familiar with, so you can know the meaning of the whole article or story, or simply go to any website with dictionary function, one by one Now there are n websites that pnounce words clearly for you, so you don't have to guess the pnunciation of each word.

There are many ways to learn English thugh the Internet. As long as you have the determination and persrance to find it, I wish you good luck. In this learning joney, ryone has a good time to learn the benefits of watching TV.

First of all, watching TV is a good relaxation. After a day's hard work, we are looking forward to a good relaxation. Watching TV can meet o requirements and relax o thinking Think, comfort o body, becse happy music and pictes can keep us away fm tension and fatigue.

Watching TV is entertaining. There are many kinds of entertainment activities, such as sports activities, performances, dramas and movies. Of cose, we can't be in ry place.

Even if there are the best transportation in o times, TV can bng them to us. With them, o life is full of fun. In addition, watching TV is an educational education television , which pvides teaching pgrams for all subjects for people of different pfessions.

For students, children and the elderly, it undouedly pvides the most extensive education and has the largest dience. Each of us benefits or less fm watching TV. In fact, TV has a great influence on people's life, work and study.

As we all know, books teach us to learn life, learn truth, science and many other useful things. They increase o knowledge, baden o hozons and strenen o character. In other words, they are o good teachers and wise fends.

That's why o parents always encoage us to read books, but we must pay attention to the choice of books 。 Indeed, we can benefit fm good books. Howr, bad books do us harm than good ones.





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