一周的计划英语作文_A week's plan 5篇

发布时间:2022-06-25 03:32:03 阅读:369 点赞:0

关于”一周计划“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:A week's plan。以下是关于一周计划专业英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:A week's plan

I am very busy on Sunday morning. In the afternoon, I am reading and watching movies. In the ning, I rest in my om.

On Sunday morning, I watch TV and movies. In the afternoon, I play basketball with my good fends. We are very happy.

In the ning, I go to the to buy some food. This week I go to the concert. I'm tired, but I enjoy it.




It has been than a month since high school. I don't feel strange to my teachers and clasates at first. I beli I have been used to high school life.

O English teacher is a middle-aged woman. I think she is a kind of teacher who is easy to get close to. When I first met her, she seldom spoke Chinese in class, which made me listen very seously.

I often don't know where she talked about it Maybe my English is very poor. I like her ile very much. Whenr I can't concentrate on class, whenr I see her ile, I will feel warm.

I can find the stren to learn. I think she trusts us, so I should not give up myself. Although my English score is still not good, I still study hard.

At least I try my best to do it. I will nr regret it.




I'm going to the library after school on Monday becse I want to find some useful books on Tuesday. I'm going swimming with my Fday on Tuesday becse I want to try something different on Tuesday. On Thsday, I will play ball with my bther, becse I have a lot of time to study on Thsday.

I will go to read my book with my mother. I haven't seen her for a long time. On Fday, I will go to the super to my mother buy some things she needs.

On Sunday, I will travel.



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