关于伟人的英语作文_Great man 3篇

发布时间:2022-06-27 14:42:34 阅读:645 点赞:0

关于”伟人“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Great man。以下是关于伟人小学英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Great man

Mao Zedong, a great man in Chinese history, Mao Zedong, also known as Chairman Mao, is a great man in the history of . His dramatic personal life, his military talent, his artistic poems, his political skills, his famous third world classification theory and his dictator's leadership style for many years have influenced generations after generations, so as to fully understand modern Chinese history and learn fm the Chinese people Mao Zedong, the father of the Republic of China, was born in December and died in September. He was the leader of the Communist of China.

Since the histoc Zunyi Conference established the Red Army in the Long March, he was one of the most influential figes in modern Chinese history.




To overcome the disability, bareni insisted that barreni's child was disabled due to illness. Her mother's heart was the same as that of Daojiao, but she resisted her gef. What she wanted most for her child was encoagement and , not her mother's tears.

She handed her mother's hospital bed to Balin, holding his hand and saying, "my child, my mother firmly belis that you are a person with a goal. I hope you can live with yo own legs When you are alive, you can pmise yo mother "mother's words are like a hammer hitting the heart of a ballet dance. He slams into her arms and ces.

As long as she is free, she practices walking and mnasti for bareni, and often sweats. Once her mother has a bad cold, she thinks that she should not only explain to her mother in words Shi also set an example to teach her to walk in spite of her high fr. She planned to her get up and practice walking.

Baliney's soybean like sweat ran down fm her mother's face. She wiped it with a dry towel and lled up o sles. He had just completed a day's exercise plan to her exercise until she was disabled and inconvenient.

Her mother's example was n deeply educated, He finally withstood the heavy blow of fate. He studied hard and finally ranked first in his class. After graduation, he was admitted to the medical school of the University of Vienna with excellent results.

With all o ener, he finally devoted himself to the research of the ear nervous , and finally landed on the podium of the Nobel Pze in physiolo and medicine.




·Zhou Enlai, born in March in Huai'an, Jiangsu Pvince, graduated fm Nankai Middle School, then went to France to study Marxist theory. Later, he joined the Communist of China, actively engaged in work, guided the party work in Shanghai, and led the famous upsing Premier of China. He devoted himself to his work until midnight, and had no time to think about himself.

Only Premier Zhou, premier of the Chinese people, died on January 8. The whole nation felt sad for his death becse he was loved by all the people. O beloved Premier Zhou will live in the hearts of o Chinese people forr.

He was a great Marxist and a communist..



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