关于幸福的英语作文_happiness 3篇

发布时间:2022-07-08 07:30:04 阅读:124 点赞:0



If you look at the men and women nd you who you can call happy, you will find that they all have something in common. The most important of these things is an activity, which can gradually build up what you like to see. Women who have an instinctive please for their children can get this satiaction fm cultivating family artists, wters and men Foot science gets happiness in this way, if they think their work is good, but there are many humble forms of the same happiness.

Many people who work in cities devote their weekends to voluntary and unpaid work in their gardens. When spng comes, they realize all the happiness of creating bety. In my opinion, people take happiness too seously 。 Some people think that without life theory or religious belief, people will not be happy.

Maybe people who are unhappy with bad theoes may need better theoes to them recover, just as you need toni when you are sick, but when things are normal, a man is healthy and not tonic, happy but not theoretical. Simple things are really important. If a man likes his wife and children, succeeds in his work, and finds happiness in the alternation of day and night and spng and tumn, then no matter what his philosophy is, if on the other hand, he finds that his wife is determined, his children are noisy, and the office becomes a nightmare if he longs for night ding the day Late at night, sighing at dawn, what he needs is not a new philosophy, but a new way of life - a different diet, exercise, or not a man is an animal.

His happiness depends on his physiological functions than on his humble conclusion. But I can't make myself beli in unhappy businesen, I beli, thugh ry one of them Walk six miles a day to increase their happiness, not thugh any conceivable philosophical shift.





Everyone is eager for happiness. Sometimes the happiness of ryone is abstract, sometimes very specific, sometimes far away, sometimes close to the dedication is happiness, giving happiness, oaining happiness and enjoying happiness words is happiness, an expression of understanding is the happiness of the soul, is the feeling of happiness, happiness is a kind of life expeence of fends, when you are immersed in When it's hard at the table, my mother bngs a glass of milk. Shannon will melt her love into the steaming milk.

I feel the happiness of maternal love. When parents are happy to watch their children playing nd them, how happy they are. When they enjoy their families, the old people happily watch their children get mared, and they ile for their old fends You are glad that when you are happy, yo mother sews clothes for her children with a needle or thread, and the next day it will become warm.

We put it on, and the children who go to school fm the countryside to the city may have such expeence: before the children leave, the mother will constantly rub and eat steaming in the mother's love, as if she loves to eat fish and tastes the cleaner who cleans the earth We are very happy that teachers will devote o knowledge for life, we are very happy and supeor living conditions, we are very happy that we live in this sun, but do not deliberately psue happiness, when you inadvertently, happiness will quietly come to yo side, happiness is a pair of long wings, and you will pass by anytime and anywhere, therefore, we must grasp the sense of happiness, n if It stayed for than a second.




Don't hesitate too much in the first half of life. We shouldn't regret what we do in the second half of o life. We should seize ry opportunity to find a way out in o life.

Bee things are pgressing very fast, we should slowly say gent things, say seous words, humous words, and ctiously say uncertain things. Don't say things that haven't happened, things that can't be done, things that ht others, or disgusting things We should tell others o happiness on a specific occasion. We should not tell anyone about o unhappiness.

We should follow o own heart and interest to realize what we should do, instead of just looking forward to the fute in words. Everyone is eager for a happy life, but owning wealth does not necessaly mean that we can have happiness To achi happiness, we need to know how to get along with others. Therefore, we need to understand the core of happiness and realize o wish: "without happiness, a person will feel very painful bee he always insists that what he has done is ght.

Others often do wng to him. He blames others or the envinment for ry mistake, instead of reflecting on himself, which makes him and far away fm happiness A famous person once said that no one will make mistakes bee of his iorance. Therefore, if someone makes a mistake, we should care about him, forgive him, and set a good example for him.

Instead of being angry and hating him, we are unreasonable like him, bee we will make a stupid mistake and keep us away fm happiness.



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