管理时间的英语作文_Manage time 5篇

发布时间:2022-07-08 12:54:55 阅读:246 点赞:0

关于”时间“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Ma time。以下是关于时间八级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Ma time

(the value of time) there is a saying that "time is money", but in my opinion, time is precious than money. Why can we earn it back when money is spent? Howr, when time has passed, that is why we must chesh o time of study and work. Therefore, n if it is an ho, we should make full use of o time To do something useful, as a student, I must work hard to engage in my study and serve o country.

But unfortunately, there are many people who don't know the importance of time. They don't realize that wasting time equals wasting a part of precious life. We should form a good habit of saving time, and don't put off what we can do today until tomorw.

Laziness not only bngs us faile, but also leads us to poverty.




Time is life. Mr. Lu Xun said, "wasting one's own time is equal to chnic suicide, and wasting others' time is equal to killing people for money".

This explains the importance of cheshing time. For scholars, time says, "an inch of time is worth money, while an inch of time is buying an inch of time." only by cheshing time can a scholar his own value, which is a subject for the dlopment of human civilization and the dlopment of a new knowledge world Only by learning technolo can we fther dlop. Otherwise, we can take off o talents for o motherland.

If we don't chesh time, we can't live. If we repeat tomorw tomorw tomorw, we will not only desty o own fute, but also give back to the country and bng economic losses. For military scientists, cheshing time is a victory.

The Red Army must fly over the Yangtze River and March day and night. Its goal is to stve for time and stve for victory. Obviously, we chesh time Important, this is related to the life and death of the motherland.

For economists, time is money, and it is efficient with the tide of reform and opening up. Time is and occupied by people. In the past, the work is lost, and there are fewer and fewer chaotic phenomena.

At present, it is shown that we should grasp time to benefits, wealth, chesh time is to chesh life People are very important, each of us should chesh o time and o own life value.




As we all know, the most precious thing in the world is nothing, so it is necessary and meaningful to ma o time effectively. There are some suggestions and methods to ma o time. The most important thing is to know and understand how we spent and ma o time in the past.

Only in this way can we know that we have wasted time. We can classify the things we do ry day, and then choose the necessary things and wasted time. After the first step, what we should do is to choose the ght time.

Choosing time is to save time for one thing. We must know and understand which peod is efficient and of better quality in o work or study, so that we can know how to make a schedule for another peod. It is better to do the most important and gent things first, becse we hardly have enough time At least, o spare time is valuable for us to complete in one day.

For example, we can read some books while waiting for ABSS, or practice listening on the way to school. Time is like water in a sponge. If we want to, we can squeeze it out and make full use of o time, becse it is necessary to live a full and happy life.




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