英语版的自我介绍_Version of self introduction 3篇

发布时间:2022-07-01 01:57:28 阅读:146 点赞:0

关于”版自我介绍“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Version of self intduction。以下是关于版自我介绍初中英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Version of self intduction

I am a pmary school student. I live a happy life. I have long hair and lovely face, but I am short.

As the shor girl in my class, I feel very ashamed, although my teachers and clasates always say that I will gw tall in the fute to comfort me. In addition, I feel very happy to have so many students play with me in school. I always perform well.

So when I go home, my parents are also very happy. My father often takes me to different interesting places. My mother usually makes delicious food for me.

How happy I am.




The teacher is very good. My name is Zhong Hao. I am a one-year-old boy.

I come fm Wenfeng Town, Xunwu County. I graduated fm the third middle school of Xunwu County in Jiangxi Pvince. I like politi becse it seems to me that this is the most hardworking subject.

I will study hard in high school for three years, especially if you want to learn English well, becse maybe I don't like sports, so my child My son is very young. In the next three years, I hope Yu can get along well with each other and stve for sral good fends. Finally, my clasates and teachers will pay attention to him.




My name is someone in my family. My father is a chemistry teacher. He teaches chemistry in high school.

My mother is an English teacher. She teaches English in college. I have a younger bther.

He is a junior high school student. He is prepang for the entrance examination. I like reading English story books in my spare time.

I download e-books on the Internet. Reading e-books is also very interesting. It also expands my vocabulary becse of advanced technolo and students Moving animation, I hope to learn English and comr technolo, becse I am interested in both subjects.

Maybe one day I can combine the o and apply it to my research.



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