
发布时间:2023-04-28 13:44:43 阅读:99 点赞:0

关于”校园手机“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Campus mobile phone。以下是关于校园手机小升初英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Campus mobile phone

Nowadays, and middle school students bng mobile phones to school, which bngs great tuble to teachers. But if middle school students bng mobile phones to school, some people agree that mobile phones are very useful. They can use them to call their fends and parents.

Sometimes they listen to mobile phone music, sometimes they play s, but many people do not agree, becse mobile phones often distb teachers and their parents He likes learning students, which may make students lazy and they may be in their. In my opinion, we should not bng mobile phones to school, becse it may let us play and learn .




Ener saving water the world is not only gry for water, but also thirsty for water, which may seem strange to you, becse the earth's sface is almost covered with water, but most of it is sea water or salt water. Humans can only dnk and use fresh water fm vers, lakes, undergund and other water soces. We can't n use all of these, becse some of them are icebergs and glaciers Howr, as far as the crent situation is concerned, these all amounts of fresh water are constantly replaced by rainfall, which is still enough for us.

Howr, o demand for water is increasing rapidly almost ry day. Only if we take meases to solve this pblem, can we avoid seous water shortage in the world. Limited water supply can have adverse effects on agculte and industry.

Let me give you a all example of how necessary industal water is. You know, to pduce a ton of steel, you need about liters of water. All this has to learn how to stop wasting o precious water.

The first step we should take is to dlop ways to reuse it. Some expements have been done in this field, but they are only all-scale for us. These s are as important as ships.





They enthusiastically devoted themselves to the disaster relief work in huaichui disaster area. They set up a bdge for the interests of the people in danger. They had bold vision.

I was the only deepest gef that really escaped the heavy bden. The disaster area acted as the spitual pillar of the people at all times. They stood up in the ruins, bdged the trma of the soul, and forced their victims into despair On the edge, they hope that Cheng Qi will come back to life.

They will do their best to pmote fair rescue, excavate this dangeus and heavy pject, and tn all their life force into a piece of gold in the sun. The hearts of the people in the disaster area are to love others' emotion and social influence for their state. In most people, they need time to pass on the feelings and social influence of others It is their indomitable spit that they save lives with loving hands.

Becse of them, they tranit warmth and gather love. Noble human nate can be outlined and demonstrated. The reason why human beings appear in fnt of glory is that they can make the victims have the possibility of health.

Only a few casualties have changed their time, not a minute They relax, do not iore their value, in the dedication of the whole gloous moment, do not need the shock of the soul to find.



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