
发布时间:2023-11-20 12:17:56 阅读:73 点赞:0

关于”电子写给朋友“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:E-mail to fends。以下是关于电子写给朋友高三英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:E-mail to fends

Dear XX: what's wng with you? I haven't heard fm you since graduation. What am I doing now? I heard that you worked in a forei company, and you and you were pmoted to the regional general . For me, you are lucky and capable.

I am not so lucky as you. After graduation, I entered a chemical plant, and I have to work three shifts a day, which makes me too tired. I n want to leave this factory, but there is no better job.

I have a girlfend recently. We are living a happy life now. I really hope you can come to see me and we can be together.

I miss you very much. I wish you sincere XXX.





Dear XX: This is the best Fday I have r had. Now I want to share my happiness with you. I play a le that is not active, + this is an activity + (I really enjoy what I have learned.

Although the time is short, I am still satiied with what I have learned. I hope you can also have the opportunity to participate in such activities.




Dear XXX, how are you at school since we wte to each other last time? I've been working hard to learn English. Is there anything interesting, but I haven't made much pgress. I heard that yo English is very good.

If you can give me some advice on learning English, I will be very grateful. Do you have any shortcut in learning grammar? I'm looking forward to yo reply. Thank you for yo sincety, XXX.



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