
发布时间:2023-04-15 17:48:19 阅读:114 点赞:0

关于”我和朋友之间故事“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:The story beeen me and my fends。以下是关于我和朋友之间故事中考英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The story beeen me and my fends

The diary records Einstein's last years in detail. In the last years of Einstein's life, he amused himself by telling jokes to his part and avoiding visitors by pretending to be ill. This is Einstein's recently discovered diary.

Einstein also talked about his difficulties in continuing to work in physi. Most of Johanna Fantova's diaes recall his views on world politi Fantova wte that she recorded the time she worked with the famous physicist "for o understanding of Einstein, not for the great man who became a legend in his lifetime, nor for the famous scientist Einstein. Howr, in Einstein's humanitaani, the diary also records Einstein's expeence in the work On his birthday, how did he receive a part as a gift? Becse he thought the part was very depressed.

Einstein sometimes told some bad jokes to change his mood. Einstein pretended to be ill and lay in bed, so he didn't have to pose with tousts who wanted the pictes Einstein still liked Riemann Dyson said he himself wte Fantova's poems, some of which were wtten in diaes, n at the time of the real illness. "These are unadorned portraits of Einstein bravely fighting disease and the inconveniences of old age.".




Fendship is a kind of interpersonal relationship. It is the instinct of human beings to establish fendship. When we encounter difficulties, we need fends to give us , support and encoagement to achi success.

We also need fends to share o happiness. Fendship is also one of the grea fun we can enjoy. Fendship means loyalty, sincety, sympathy and affection.

It s anyone, if not seously and seously If you get the ght fends, you can't make full use of yo life. Becse he knows how valuable fendship is, we should be very careful to make fends. Real fends are those who have good morality, excellent ability and good conscience.

True fends can share all o sadness and double happiness. When fends, we should pay attention to selecting those who have such excellent qualities. Then we should treat o fends politely, children We should forgive their faile and try o best to them.

When we establish a fendship, we should chesh and chesh it. Only in this way can we dlop true fendship and make the sacred lamp of fendship bn for life.



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