
发布时间:2023-04-08 00:59:57 阅读:81 点赞:0

关于”如何使寒假有意义一篇“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:How to make winter vacation meaningful。以下是关于如何使寒假有意义一篇八级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:How to make winter vacation meaningful

I had an interesting Sunday in winter vacation. Yesterday was Sunday. I went to the park to find some interesting things to have fun.

But the winter was not very good and it seemed to be raining. So after a few minutes, I wanted to go home. When I came to the corner of the ad, I found a foreier coming to me.

He came and said good morning. Good morning, child. Can I you? I said yes, of cose, I'm glad to a foreier.

After the conversation, I realized that he wanted to go to the post office and I told him I would be happy to take him to the post office. He was very happy, so we continued to talk. When we got to o destination, I said to him: is that ght? After I said this sentence after breakfast, I found that he seemed to be confused by what he said to me and gave me an anxious look.

I repeated my question. After a few seconds, he lghed at me. I really don't know why he lghed at me until I met my university education May Kuisen, the book's thor, told me that in the west, people have nr asked anyone else or she had dinner.

If they meet o people, they always talk about the weather, becse the weather in England is changeable, and this topic is very safe. It's just Chinese customs. After this, I knew I needed to learn about Btish culte and realized that we should talk to foreiers in order to practice o spoken English.

This is an interesting story in my winter vacation. Do you have any interesting story? I'm glad to hear fm you. " A kind of.






One day, when I came home fm school, I just got on a cwded bus. A woman behind me pushed me forward and yelled: "go, go, go in. Don't stand at the door.

It's too cwded." I was very angry and thought she was a bong woman. But after a while, my mother came up to me and whispered, "someone put his hand into yo bag. I really want to you.

I checked my bag. Everything was in it. I felt very ashamed.

I just said," sorry, thank you. ".



标签: 生活英文名  女孩英文名  宠物英文名  王者英文名 

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