
发布时间:2023-03-20 09:10:20 阅读:62 点赞:0

关于”写国家“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Wte country。以下是关于写国家托福英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Wte country

(a youth and his country) today's youth as a good citizen will shape the fute of his country tomorw. He should be prepared for his contbution to the country in his daily life and at school. He should have the ability or skill to work.

He should fully understand and others understand his situation. The pblem of the country is that he should try to find out And show what he can do for his country. As a responsible citizen, he should be stng and mentally sound.

With his coage, enthusia and love, he will his country become a country that all citizens can be pud of.




I want to go to most of the countes in the ida region, which is one thirtieth of o country's, with 10000 square kilometers. Its climate is generally not changed. It is really mild in winter, and there is sea in summer.

Although it is hot, it becomes a kind of enjoyment. It is also in the capital, Rome (Rome), with a large population For dreds of years, it has been the soce of ancient Roman Empire and became the center of Catholici. Its largest industal and commercial city is Milan.

Another famous city is Venice, Florence, Naples, Tun, Genoa and Palermo There are than three kinds of sightseeing tos in Italy: enthusiastic men and women, histocal reli of statues, Catholic halls, and open s far away fm cities and towns. No matter you are in a modern city or a few families, you can appreciate these special feates, although Italian culte is the main force Want language, but many people, since they often face tousts, n if the language is not fluent, Italian can know or guess what you need.




In the east of the world, there is a betiful country, red earth, mountains, vers and industous people. She is like a diamond, shining all the time. She is my dearest country, China.

I love my motherland becse I love different races in my country. Every race has its own culte and customs. Some people are kind, some are kind, some are humous, I can't show ry race in my country, but what I want to tell you is that the reason why the Chinese people are great is that they, o motherland is dloping day by day, o country is becoming and powerful, before my country has so many places of interest, this is not only known to ry citizen, but also known to the whole world when foreiers talk about China They all stretched out their hands and said, "enchina is a famous and magical country." yes, indeed, we have the Great Wall, the second longest ver in the world, the oldest history and the most splendid culte.

China is one of the largest countes in the world. When the North snows, the Southern flowers bloom, and the people of the South enjoy the sun on the beach, the people in the north are skiing on the ice. How betiful it is Wonderful, so now I can say to the world aloud: "my country is really great, my country is really betiful, but for many years, we are looked down upon by foreiers, becse we used to be poor, so what should we do now? We must study hard now, and then we can join the construction team.

I beli that in the days to come, my country will become better and better. I beli that o country will play a important le on the world stage, o people will become the chest country in the world, and o great country will always stand pud in the east of the world Ask me which country I come fm, and I will tell them with pde and loud voice: I am fm China, I am Chinese.



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